Jake Paz, Opinion Editor
Jake Paz is a senior in the IB Program at Coral Gables Senior High School who is very hardworking and strives to succeed at everything he does. Outside of CavsConnect, Jake proudly serves as the IBHS Vice President of Events, NHS Secretary, and Interact board member where he shows off his love for serving the community and leadership skills.
When you get to know Jake he is a really funny and nice guy who always manages to make almost everyone laugh. He loves to be with his friends and will gladly do anything to help them. He loves giving back to the community by volunteering countless hours to at the Coral Gables Youth Center during summer camps as well as special events. Jake even initiated a tutoring program at Ponce de Leon Middle School called PonceTutors where he tutors students Algebra 1 and Geometry. No matter what, Jake always manages to make the best of whatever situation he is in and manages to have fun while doing it. Jake is really looking forward to the 2016-2017 school year and can't wait to see what this year has in store for him.