Three Victories Over the Weekend!
JROTC’s Drill Team was one of the three victories Gables experienced last weekend. The Drill Team placed first at the State Qualifiers competition.
Mar 25, 2017
This past weekend, Gables was able to experience three wins. JROTC’S Drill Team, Speech and Debate, and Troop all went to their own competition to show what Gables is all about.
The Drill Team’s Big Win:
Saturday, March 18th, Gables’s very own Drill Team went to compete at Miami Jackson Senior High for the State Qualifiers competition. Previously, the team had spent seven months preparing for Qualifiers. The stakes were high during competition because this was their only chance at going to States on April 1st. With preparation and determination, the team was able to receive first place overall. Gables placed second in the following subteams’ competitions: Color Guard, Regulation Unarmed Platoon, Exhibition Armed Squad, Female Color Guard, Female Regulation Unarmed Platoon, Female Regulation Armed Platoon, Female Exhibition Armed Individual, and Female Exhibition Armed Duo. Along with some other first place titles, the Drill Team was able to place first, overall. Their win at Qualifiers was not only exciting because it meant that they were going to States, but also because it was the first time after many years where they receive first place at State Qualifiers.
Troop is Filled with Excellence:
Over the weekend, Thespians, went to the State Festival in Tampa to showcase their talent. The members of troop gave everything they had and left it on the stage. Memorable performances by each student resulted in the team doing extremely well, no one placed below an Excellent! The following students received Superior: Sarah McCluskey, Carlos Guerrero, Maria Ordonez. Performances by Samantha Lopez, Isa Gonzalez, Sarah McCluskey, Maria Ordonez, Amber Williams, Kaylin Sanchez, Yara Faour, and Lisbet Alvarez received Excellent, as well.
Speech and Debate’s Cristian Ochoa and Althea Henvill are Going to Nationals:
Even though the club joined the competition at last minute, two out of the three members who went to compete were able to place a spot for Nationals. Cristian Ochoa, Althea Henvil, and Joaquin Bierman went to the Grand Finals competition. Ochoa and Henvill competed together in the Duo Interpretation section. For this section, they were supposed to take an original piece of literature and turn it into a 10-minute interpretation of the section. However, they aren’t supposed to look at each other, nor can they touch. In addition, they must perform at least two characters each only having 100 words maximum of the original work. Together, Ochoa and Henvil were able to place sixth place and qualified for Nationals. Unfortunately, Bierman competed in the Lincoln-Douglas Debate but was unable to place.
“My experience at competition overall was great! It helps you grow with your speaking and pushes you out of your comfort zone. The best thing though, is that it was a lot of fun,” sophomore Cristian Ochoa said.
Gables is extremely proud of all of the teams. Hopefully, in the next round of competitions, they will be as successful as they were last weekend. Congratulations to each club for their big victories, and always remember: Go Cavs!