PTSA: Behind the Scenes

Ariana Alvarez

On Aug.11, the PTSA held one of several school uniform sales.

Ariana Alvarez, Staff Writer

Although we do not always see them, the Coral Gables Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) plays a big role in the return to school. They organize the uniform sales before the start of the new school year and even during it, they host the Welcome Back Breakfast.

On Wednesday, Aug. 14, you could find Jackie Kellogg, the PTSA President, and her team at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, where they were preparing the Welcome Back Breakfast for the 175 teachers and administrators who work at Coral Gables Senior High. An event like this does not just come together; there are days of planning that go into making this event successful every year. This team of parents put in a tremendous amount of hard work in order to make these events memorable, including reserving a room at the beautiful Botanic Garden, negotiating an affordable price, decorating, and communicating all the details with Mrs. Suarez and the school’s principal, Mr. Costa.

The day prior to the event, a team of teachers and volunteers arrive to the site to set up tables, chairs and decorations. These volunteers are not just teachers and parents, but also students who want to show their appreciation for these deserving Coral Gables staff members. The wrestling team, along with their coach, Mr. Hardy, follow the instructions of Mrs. D’ Alemberte and Ms. Camacho as they are the ones who have set up their vision of what a great ‘Welcome Back Breakfast’ entails.

One way the PTSA is able to afford these events is with the money that comes in through a variety of sales that they host throughout the year. For example, their number one fundraiser for the school is uniform sales. If you are low on uniforms and need to stock up, the PTSA is where you should go. There are going to be three more sales before the end of summer:

  • Wednesday, August 14th 6:00 – 8:00 pm
  • Thursday, August 15th 6:00 – 8:00 pm and
  • Saturday, August 17th 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

On these three dates, you will find the PTSA in the lobby of the auditorium selling everything you need for a uniform:

  • Polo Shirts: short, long sleeve
  • Hoodies and Sweaters
  • Spirit Shirts
  • Physical Education Uniforms

The price ranges from $10 to $25 and they accept cash, credit cards, debit cards, but checks are not accepted.

However, the PTSA is not only about uniform sales and breakfast events. According to Mrs. Kellogg, she was involved in a project over the summer where plastic bottle donations were collected and used to build a big turtle for Biscayne Bay Nature Center. This project is meant to send the message showing how plastic bottles are endangering our community’s sea turtles. The project worked out so well that Mrs. Kellogg is hoping for the same enthusiasm and support for another project that hits closer to home. This pending project will include collecting donations of pots, orchids, and soil to be assembled and placed in the offices and classrooms of Coral Gables High. Those who donate these materials will be given community service hours. You can contact the PTSA at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Thanks to the PTSA, we will start off the school year with happy teachers and closets filled with uniforms, assuring that this year will be one to remember.