Samantha Valero, Staff Writer
Samantha Valero (Also known as Sam, Cookie, and Kitten) is a freshman in the CAF&DM academy in Coral Gables Seinor High. Samantha is involved in the Cavaliers Chorus, and trust me, you'll know when she's in that class! If you ask her friends about her, they'll tell you about her bubbly, energetic and sassy attitude.
If you bump into her outside the school walls, you'll never find her detatched from her headphones. Like few people, she literally stands in the clouds, so much for fitting in (note the sarcasm).
Samantha may seem like she is all smiles and laughs, right? Well, when it comes time to be serious (acedemics, writing, singing, or anything remotley important) you won't have to worry one bit about that!
Overall, Samantha is a kind, hardworking, silly and unique addition to CavsConnect.