Alexis Hernandez: Future Panther and Health Enthusiast

Co-captain of the wrestling team, Alexis Hernadez, hopes to find success in helping others in their health and fitness journey.
May 21, 2022
Senior Alexis Hernandez’s passion for creating a healthy lifestyle for himself and inspiring others with his habits first sprouted when he was inspired to start working on his fitness journey by joining the Coral Gables Senior High wrestling team. What was originally a fun engaging sport became an activity he actively worked and focused on, kickstarting a future that led him to want to form a career around Health Services and Administration.
As a sophomore, Hernandez’s psychology teacher and prior wrestling coach, Mr. Miller took his seventh-period class to a wrestling match. After watching the game, Hernandez took an interest in the sport and decided that wrestling might be something he could be good at. As he trained, it became apparent to Hernandez that working on being fit and growing stronger was something that he wanted to pursue more seriously outside the halls of Gables.
To do this, he took up weightlifting after school, in his at-home gym setup that started off simply. A gift bench set with a barbell and 50-pound weights was all he needed to do exercises like bench presses, squats and overhead presses. As time progressed Hernandez bought his own weights and squat racks to continue to grow his skills.
Seeing improvements in his appearance helped him persevere and inspire friends of his to start their own wellness journeys. Hernandez is also a member of the Key Club and National Honor Society, but he was most active in wrestling. He became a role model for younger Cavaliers in his senior year when he was offered the leadership position as co-captain of the team after two years of membership.
“I became much more obsessed with lifting than anything else, the more I did it the more I realized I could make a real living off of this as people began to come up to me with questions regarding lifting, such as how to get into it and what exercises to do. It became a passion of mine to help anyone interested in bettering themselves,” senior Alexis Hernandez said.
Hernandez has committed to Florida International University and is planning on majoring in Health Services and Administration. As he transitions from a Cavalier to an FIU Panther, Hernandez hopes to increase his knowledge and be able to open opportunities for himself in the field of athletic trainers and physical therapists.
Learning to help those recovering from an injury is a topic close to home for Hernandez. While at practice with his teammate Kelvin Guzman, Hernandez’s had an accident in which he crushed his right collarbone during a wrestling drill. The injury put a damper on even simple activities, like making food or even just putting his hair up. It also inhibited him from competing and weightlifting after school.
The ordeal took Hernandez on an emotional and physical rollercoaster, but it ultimately inspired a new interest in helping those struggling in rehabilitation from both mental and physical injuries like his.
“My collarbone injury is where my interest in becoming a physical therapist came from, as I was tirelessly experimenting with how to get my shoulder back to normal, slowly recovering with rehabilitation exercises and stretches until I got completely back to my original strength. Since then I’ve found an even bigger appreciation for fitness and am excited to see where my future with it takes me,” senior Alexis Hernandez said.
From practicing wrestling at the park with friends to starting his own Instagram page to log his progress, this future FIU Panther hopes to be a role model to those around him, advocate self-improvement and help change the lives of others interested in fitness by lending a helping hand. As Hernandez moves on to the next chapter of his life, Gables will always remain a place where his passions were born and opportunities were given.