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Paving Her Path to Success, Tiffany Beh Becomes a Carson Scholar

Achieving an exemplary scholarship, the junior reflects on her extensive scholarly discipline
 Tiffany Beh realizes her future as she becomes a Carson Scholar, taking a significant step towards college admission.
Tiffany Beh realizes her future as she becomes a Carson Scholar, taking a significant step towards college admission.
Courtesy Tiffany Beh

On March 4, as the new 2024 Carson Scholars were released, junior Tiffany Beh was selected among the 570 student list accepted. Fulfilling the term “excelling student,” the Carson Scholar Fund recognizes her admirable qualities with a $1000 grant for her future college expenses.

Founded in 1994, the Carson Scholarship Fund aims to acknowledge the achievements of students and reward them for their academic success. Informed of the opportunity by College Assistance Program Advisor Ms. Sanz, and Student Activities Director Ms. Suarez, both helped Beh win the college award by nominating her and writing a recommendation letter.

“The Carson Scholarship requires a single nomination per school and I decided Tiffany should be our nominee. Tiffany performs very well academically and has exemplified her leadership qualities. She has spent hundreds of hours serving the community and has planned several significant school events,” Ms. Sanz said.

Selected as the sole nominee for Coral Gables Senior High, the community service-based scholarship also required extensive extracurricular engagement; something Beh was able to meet.

“They took into account my hobbies, interests, community service, organizations, school involvement, academics, transcript and GPA. I’ve prioritized not only my grades but also my involvement after school, helping me to fit these categories. I then needed teacher recommendations and an essay detailing experiences in my sophomore year,” junior Beh said.

Tiffany volunteers with IRMG Cares and helps give elementary school kids school supplies for their upcoming school year. (Courtesy Tiffany Beh)

To meet this requirement, Beh has worked with the non-profit organization, International Restaurant Management Group Cares. Joining the non-profit in her freshman year, she has aided them in purchasing and distributing items to families in need. Now with three years of experience, she leads upcoming volunteers, manages inventory and plans charity events.

To support her community within the school, Beh has dedicated herself to the Gables Interact Rotary Club. As the club’s treasurer, she aims to be president by senior year, hoping to take on more responsibilities in fundraisers.

“Tiffany was the perfect nominee. She is a leader by nature, she understands what needs to get done and how to do it. More importantly, she cares about the school community and she is very cognizant when planning school events, especially when it comes to the pricing and how it might affect students,” Ms. Suarez said.

Additionally, Beh has numerous hobbies and sports that played a significant role in her application process. Playing piano at six-years-old, her musical abilities around playing the instrument have won her multiple piano competitions such as playing second place for the Florida Federation of Music Clubs.

Moreover, as the current co-captain of the badminton team, she has perfected her skill on the court, making her one of the team’s most valuable players in the season. Alongside challenging her athletic attributes, Beh has begun training for cross country, with plans to run again in senior year.

Tiffany Beh prepares to serve the shuttlecock as she plays badminton on the Gables court. (Courtesy of Tiffany Beh)

With plans to use the Carson Fund support to continue pursuing her dreams of one day operating a large-scale non-profit organization, through hard effort, her dedication to her goals has been recognized in a journey where time tells.

“Tiffany is a great student who takes her academics very seriously while still managing a variety of sports and hobbies. She works well with other people and demonstrates her leadership qualities in multiple clubs, I’m not surprised she was awarded the Carson Scholarship for her hard work,” junior Caitlin Savage said.

About the Contributor
Luke Savage
Luke Savage, News Editor
Luke Savage is a sophomore at Coral Gables Senior High, working as the News Editor for CavsConnect. He takes educational matters with utmost importance and intently plans on having a perfect grade point average throughout his high school career. Regardless of the sacrifice of time or labor, Luke will present his best work in every class. Writing professionally in addition to constructing captivating articles, helped Luke earn the position of News Editor. Now he is inspired to help other staff members along their journalistic journey through meaningful communication and detailed edits.  With the goal of one day becoming Editor-in-Chief, Luke prioritizes his responsibilities in CavsConnect and consistently offers his assistance; whether it be coordinating with the team or managing deadlines, Luke is dedicated to improving his publication and the people within.   
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