Since summer, Coral Gables Senior High’s publications have begun producing media for the student body and preparing to enter contests, each one with a different goal and work style. However, on Sept. 6, all six of Gables’s publications joined in the auditorium to celebrate their annual “Mix and Mingle,” where students part of the Communication, Arts, Film and Digital Media Academy socialized, played games and interact with members of other publications. The event was organized by the board of Quill and Scroll and was hosted for the first time during the school year, with the purpose of helping students of separate publications bond with each other in preparation of their collaboration in state events and competitions.
“As the president of Quill and Scroll I planned the event with my fellow board members, bought the prizes and organized the games. This was the first time we did the Mix and Mingle during the school year, which presented some challenges. Overall, we showed what Quill and Scroll is capable of and why students should join,” junior Sophia Sol said.
During sixth period, Gables Live, CavsConnect, Cavaleon, highlights and Catharsis members convened in the auditorium to participate in CAF&DM’s Mix and Mingle. Ms. Zuniga introduced the Quill and Scroll Board and detailed the role her club plays in aiding publications and their journalists. The board persuaded the audience to join the club and revealed the games planned for the evening.

The first game introduced to the crowd was musical chairs. Two members from each publication were chosen to compete and they gathered on stage. Slowly, students were eliminated from the game until only a student from CavsConnect and Cavaleon remained. The tension reached its apex as the two students sat equally upon the last chair. As the music stopped for the second time, CavsConnect reigned victorious.
“It’s my first year part of a Gables publication and I thought the Mix and Mingle was very fun. I got to know people from other publications that I wouldn’t have otherwise met,” sophomore Stella Gonzalez said.
Members returned to their respective publications to prepare for social-bingo. Students passed around pens and differing bingo cards with boxes that described unique life experiences and skills. After five minutes of questioning about topics ranging from musical talents to travel destinations, students filled out their bingo cards and bonded over shared interests.

As students left the auditorium, they were surprised with cookies provided by Quill and Scroll board members. Returning to their classrooms, they relished in the event’s cooperative interactivity and their new-found friendships.
“Funding has always been hard for CAF&DM because of all the other clubs and sports asking for donations as well. We hold fundraisers and car washes to help pay for big events that we organize like the CAF&DM field day and banquet. Publications come together to support and raise money so we can have fun together,” junior Gabriela Roa said.
This year’s Mix and Mingle conjoined a diverse group of journalists who participated in meaningful interactions and built relationships with students outside of their publication. The event contributed to building the collaborative atmosphere within CAF&DM that facilitates its success.
“The Mix and Mingle was very successful and we are already planning more interactive events like this one. The event went better than expected, so we will keep experimenting to see what students like best,” Ms. Zuniga said.