Elisa Hugot, a talented Cavalier with many skills ranging from fashion to rowing, has recently committed herself to studying fashion merchandise at Marist College. Her love for fashion started when she randomly chose an elective at Coral Gables Senior High during her sophomore year. This spontaneous decision quickly grew into something that she wanted to dedicate her future to. Alongside that, Elisa is also an accomplished rower, and she has dedicated herself to this sport with the same level of enthusiasm that she brings to everything she does.
“I switched schools because I did not like Maritime and Science Technology Academy. For me, it was just too science oriented, and I already knew that I definitely did not want to do anything relating to that. What I like about Gables is that you get more class options and opportunities. In a sense, I truly felt like this was an opportunity for me to flourish,” senior Elisa Hugot said.

At Marist, Hugot is planning on pursuing the full four years where she will major in Fashion Merchandise. She will be provided multiple courses that will she hopes will make her her passion flourish. Hugot’s primary goal is to participate in one of Marist’s fashion shows where they show the students work. By participating in these types of events, she can gain valuable experiences that will help her in the future.
“I aspire to participate in one of Marist’s student run fashion show that they do every year and they show the student’s work. I hope that I will be either like walking in the runways or have a piece that I made be shown. I am also considering double majoring in fashion design or switch my major into another category of fashion,” senior Elisa Hugot said.
Hugot aspires to get a job in the fashion industry, whether it be designing clothes or marketing. Starting small will help her branch out to a lifetime career of innovation. With the inspiration of the Women’s March Madness tournament, she hopes to combine fashion with women’s sports. In a sense, she imagines how her designs could be worn by famous athletes on the field or at home and with that consideration, this could greatly inspire a sense of confidence in those who wear them.
“My favorite part about fashion is that you can personalize anything and make it your own. I have always been into clothes and finding my own style, but before taking the class at Gables I had no actual experience. When I chose to take the fashion class as an elective I did not know what to expect, but I have learned so much in the last two years. It has become my favorite subject and through this class I realized I want to pursue a job in fashion,” senior Elisa Hugot said.

Aside from loving fashion, Hugot developed a passion for rowing as she transitioned to Gables. With her cousins convincing her to join the sport and later quitting soccer, she soon gave in. Little did she know, she ended up loving the sport so dearly. Now playing for Miami Rowing Club, located in Key Biscayne, Hugot is determined to give it her all.
“I started rowing when I switched schools, and now I am on my second season. It is a lot of work especially when practicing on the early weekend mornings, but I really like it, you find like a really close group of friends because you are always with them and you spend a lot of time with them. To be honest, it is pretty tough but being with my friends and seeing how they do not give up makes me want to push harder,” senior Elisa Hugot said.
Within rowing comes regattas or competitions almost every other week. The regatta season is split into two, fall and sprint season. Fall season consists of longer races and sprint season is made up of races about 2000 meters long. But to prepare for these races, Hugot’s coach comes up with the lineups and then they practice those boats during the week. When it’s time to go to the regatta, Hugot’s team spends a day to take apart and clean the boats and repeat once they get to the regatta venue. From there, Hugot and her team start the race.
“Most people from my team have been rowing since middle school, and most of them are going D1, but considering how this is my second year, and I just started, I feel like I am not done with rowing just yet. I definitely see this rowing in my future, whether it be as a hobby or actual competing. Since I am quite new to rowing, I hope to row all four years in college and possible after college. But all in all, I am extremely excited about the opportunity I have to row in college,” senior Elisa Hugot said.
With fashion on her right hand and rowing on her left, Hugot has huge plans for her time at Marist. Her tireless dedication to both fields is not only impressive but it inspires others how one could be a student-athlete while wanting to pursue another career. There is no doubt that Cavaliers will soon be purchasing her clothing designs at Nike or even Zara.