The Newest Tree: Senior Imgard Bonheur’s Stanford Acceptance
Senior Imgard Bonheur during her tour of the University of North Carolina.
Jan 3, 2021
While COVID-19 has altered life in many different ways for the past year, senior Imgard Bonheur did not let the pandemic get in the way of her application and acceptance into Stanford University. Through all the hard work, pressure and stress, the senior pushed through and achieved success.
Bonheur is very involved here at Coral Gables Senior High. One might know her as also part of the student government or an executive board member for Interact Club. All of her involvements and experiences, in and out of school, have pushed her closer and closer to being accepted into Stanford.
Bonheur’s acceptance into the college definitely came as a surprise to the senior so much so that she was left absolutely speechless. She remembers being in so much shock when she first found out that she was unable to form sentences.
“I am honestly still processing it… I just feel like all the stress and mental breakdowns of IB were rewarded in a sense because it has not been easy,” senior Imgard Bonheur said.
Out of all the colleges she applied to, Bonheur has only heard back from Stanford due to applying early action and pending responses from the other colleges. While it is not certain, Bonheur feels that she will most likely be committing to Stanford. The senior cannot wait to get out of the Miami bubble and explore all the other options the rest of the world holds for her.
Bonheur’s advice to the current juniors who will be going through a similar college application and acceptance process next year, is to not “spread yourself too thin.” While it is important to push yourself to see how far you can go in life, it is equally as important to find what makes you happy and to take care of yourself. This is just one of many things that Imgard Bonheur has and will achieve. There is no doubt that she will continue to do great things even beyond her years at Gables and Stanford.