The Battle for Circular Pastry Supremacy: Bagels vs Donuts
Which is better: sweet donuts or savory bagels?
Nov 8, 2019
Our Ratings:
Donuts: A-
Bagels: B-
Imagine this- it is an early morning at Coral Gables Senior High and you have $2. At around 7:30 a.m., your first block teacher reminds the class that she is selling soft, glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts. As you go to buy one, two students walk in and ask if anyone wants a bagel. So, here lies the question: which one do you get?
Our school sells donuts and bagels to raise money. The bagels can be bought in the morning either from two students arriving to one’s class and offering them for sale or in the Student Activities room and Mrs. De Paola’s room. The bagels are $2 and come with a small cup of cream cheese. On the other hand, the Krispy Kreme donuts are found in almost every classroom for $1 and can even be found being advertised by teachers, such as Mrs. Gonzalez, on the landings of the 9000 building.
So, which do students prefer? An Instagram poll involving 19 freshman resulted in 12 preferring donuts to 7 preferring bagels. Another poll involving 30 sophomores showed that 24 students preferred donuts over bagels.
“I love the donuts. They are a good morning treat and they are something to look forward to,” sophomore Melissa Ventura said.
To be honest, our opinion goes with the majority of the student body. The Krispy Kreme donuts have become a delicious breakfast for those needing a kick-start in their day, and for good reason. The donuts are a soft treat that could be cut through using a plastic fork. The glazed sugar can get sticky, but it is definitely worth it. The only problem is the lack of options and choices of flavor. Nevertheless, we still love our donuts.
On the other hand, there is a very mixed opinion on bagels. The bagels sold here have a hard interior and are a lot more dense than donuts. These bagels are usually larger in diameter and in dough thickness than donuts. However, there are some occasions where the bagels’ sizes end up to be subpar, not meriting the already expensive price of $2. Although the addition of the cup of cream cheese is a bonus, the bagels can sometimes end up being dry. Another point is how the bagels with cream cheese can result in a more disruptive classroom environment than a glazed donut in a napkin.
“The bagels are good because it is food for the times where you may not have eaten” freshman Patrick Keough said.
A major difference between the bagels and the donuts is that the donuts are only sold during the month of October to raise money for United Way, while the bagels are sold all year. On the other hand, bagels are sold to fund the Student Activities department. Both are delicious in their own way, but the preferred is donuts.