Journalism Week: Celebrating Our Stories Together
Journalism Week is a time where writers can all come together and celebrate their passion with one another.
Feb 28, 2020
Throughout the week of Feb. 17 to the 21, Gables celebrated Journalism Week, also known commonly as J-Week. It is a week in which the CAF&DM academy and all the journalism classes come together to celebrate writing and storytelling and celebrate their accomplishments. Throughout those days, each of Gables’ four publications gives back to the school in their own way.

Highlights prepare the hallways on the second floor of the 9000 with articles and topics that students can stop by and read.
Highlights had an important role this week as they took on a variety of projects from interactive displays to trivia and even the interesting posters and decorations that can be seen in the hallway. Highlights also created the Newseum, which is the replica of the actual Newseum in Washington D.C. The students made displays of headlines and famous events in the news in the second floor hallway of the 9000. Highlights also included interactive quizzes on their Instagram.

On one section of the wall, Highlights included a timeline, in which they show a snippet of each of their past magazines
“Writing and journalism means a lot to me because it is an honor to represent and give a voice to the student body and through highlights I am able to stay up to date on everything happening around school, in our community, and even around the world,” sophomore Melanie Nuñez said.
Last year, highlights won Sunshine Standout at the Florida Scholastic Press Association conference and were the number 1 student produced news magazine in the state of Florida.
Every year during Journalism Week, Catharsis is responsible for decorating teachers’ doors throughout the school with journalism/writing themed messages and quotes. A lot of the quotes are related to literature, but they always make sure to be inclusive.

Mrs. Kiely’s door with a quote from Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wondering
It is important to Catharsis to participate in J-Week because they believe that they reflect the voices of students at Gables through a creative medium, which is part of the essence of journalism. Awards that Catharsis won the past year included the Florida Scholastic Press Association Gold Rating and the Southern Interscholastic Press Association Superior Award.

Yearbooks door decorated in honor of The Cavaleon
“Writing and journalism not only lets me express myself, but allows me to tell other people’s stories,” junior Malika Mckenny said.
The Cavaleon
On behalf of all the students of CAF&DM, the members of the Cavaleon organized a small breakfast to thank all the teachers that have helped support the academy. The teachers received a danish and a thank you card at the beginning of the week. Yearbook had also set up a photo booth during both lunches outside the Ralph Moore Building with props available for students to use.

In front of the 9000 during both lunches, Yearbook captured memories for the students.
“Before I started doing yearbook, writing had a totally different meaning. It was something I did either creatively for fun, or for school, it was never really something that had a ton of meaning to it or that was as lasting and important as the writing I do for yearbook is. Even if I’m interviewing someone for a spread on something pretty basic, or for a sport I don’t necessarily know much about, it’s really meaningful to know that they will have this quote, this snippet of their life in high school to look back on,” said sophomore Rachel Dopico.
Yearbook has previously won awards including the All Florida rating, a rating of Outstanding from American Scholastic, Gold medal from Columbin Scholastic, and their advisor, Ms. Zuniga, won an Outstanding for being an excellent advisor towards the staff.
CavsConnect wrapped up the week with field day, setting up the food and refreshments for the event as well as planning and organizing the games at the event. CavsConnect was awarded this year, for the first time in its history, the SNO Distinguished Site award, having received all the individual badges necessary for the award.

Alongside Principle Costa, the CavsConnect staff was being recognized as a distinguished site, which they celebrated together right afterwards.
“Writing means a lot to me. I can help people through journalism and I can inform others on important subjects. Writing is so important because I can write exactly how I feel and release whatever I am feeling onto the people in whichever way I am comfortable with,” senior Emma Garcia said.
Field Day
On Friday the journalism classes got together to eat pizza and prepare, and afterward headed off to the gym where they began their annual field day. The students took part in a range of activities including tug-of-war, musical chairs, four square and hula hoop relays. At the end of each game, the winning class would earn a point. The winners of this year’s field day was highlights, making it their second win in a row.