SECME Rocks it at their Competition
The sponsor of the SECME club is biology teachers Ms. Phillips.
Feb 15, 2017
On Feb 4., Gables’s VEX Robotics team received the 15-16 STEM School designation banner for their persistence and demonstrating skilled use of the STEM curriculum both in class and during the competition.
“Competition was awesome, science people from more schools than I can count were running around doing all kinds of cool stuff from robotics to launching water bottle rockets. We as a club performed really well, I really wanted us to get experience in as many competitions as possible during the event but I was still blown away by how many competitions we placed in,” senior Pranav Sharma said.
Along with the notable banner, Gables took first place in the FPL Generator Build Competition. The SECME team competed extraordinarily at the Miami-Dade STEM Expo and new members gained the experience required for future competitions.
“This was the first time I participated in the specific event and I thought that it was easier than I expected. I got a feel for the time limit and I learned how to work with my teammates to be more effective,” sophomore Carolina Alvarez said.
As schools continue to become more STEM oriented Gables is certainly not being left behind. This competition not only proved our school’s strength in STEM subject but also shows how much better the team will become as they continue to compete in more contests.