@CavCompliments Makes a Positive Impact


Albany Muria

One of @CavCompliments’s tweets

Albany Muria, Editor

This past week, a new Twitter account, @cgshcompliments, gained major popularity among the Cavaliers. The account focuses on complimenting the Cavalier Twitter population, and it was a counterbalance account to the few negative accounts made; instead of shameless deprecation, @cghscompliments provides Cavaliers with daily reminders of how amazing they are.

“I think it’s a great page that is boosting people’s self confidence and being nice rather than bringing people down like other negative Twitter accounts,” senior Grace Howie said.

The account complimented Cavaliers and boosted their self-esteem. Anything from a good morning tweet to giving advice to a student in trouble, @cgshcompliments seek to help any cavalier out there. The face behind Twitter account was revealed to be run by a fellow student senior named Jordan Sheppard.

“I was inspired by other schools doing it honestly. Once I started I thought it’d be a joke, until I realized what a big impact it would be. I love seeing people happy and theres too much negativity in the world. I want to be the one to change that,” senior Jordan Sheppard said.

Although Sheppard will not be posting on the account anymore, the message of spreading positivity among our peers already came across to the account’s followers.

With enough negativity floating around everywhere, a Twitter account has proven to make a positive impact in the lives of Gables students.