Zimmerman Survives Shooting with Minor Injuries

Zimmerman, a volunteer neighborhood guard, shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, in Sanford, Florida, in 2012.
May 13, 2015
George Zimmerman is in the spotlight once again, this time as the one being shot at. Zimmerman has had a long history of road rage with a man named Matthew Apperson; while driving, a bullet came in through Zimmerman’s side window and almost hit his head, allegedly shot by Apperson, Monday May 11. To add to the turmoil, this is not the first incident that involves the two. The Associated Press reported on past, somewhat intense confrontations with Apperson.
When it comes to the road rage situation, there are two contrasting stories. According to CNN, Zimmerman’s laywer Don West, says Zimmerman is the victim of road rage. He explains that his client did not provoke anyone and was followed, until a car pulled up to his and shot his window. Apperson’s attorney, Mark NeJame, gives a different view. NeJame says his client acted in self defense, and only after Zimmerman waved a gun at him did he shoot. What’s more, Apperson went to a nearby business and told an employee (who said Apperson looked shaken and panicked), “I shot George Zimmerman, call 911! I don’t have a phone.” NeJame says that Apperson is legally justified and not guilty of wrongdoing. The police are in the midst of their investigation, no charges or arrest have been filed at this time.