Bald Brothers: Shaving for a Cure
Austin Herrin, the person who initially thought of the idea, shaving the head of Oliver Robles.
Oct 14, 2014
Breast cancer has had a tremendous impact on the lives of many Cavalier families, making it very important to spread awareness for the disease. Sitting down at dinner on a typical Monday night, senior Austin Herrin suddenly thought of a new way through which a group of Gables students could show their support for the cause.
When Herrin told a few of his closest friends, they immediately hopped on the bandwagon. After creating a GroupMe with a total of 18 schoolmates to meet up and shave their heads, only six students rose to the occasion. This idea to provide awareness for breast cancer became a reality in less than two days. Seniors Austin Herrin, Chary Politis, Erik Suarez and Oliver Robles gathered on Wednesday, Oct. 1 and became the first group to shave their heads for the cause. This act inspired students across the campus and portrayed a significant message.
“I think they made a big statement; it was a good thing to do. I would definitely consider shaving my head for my senior year,” sophomore John Smithies said.
Ever since the first four students shaved their heads, two more students participated and more people are highly encouraged to join the strong act of support.
“I hope that more people will join us in the Bald Brotherhood, especially since they have the rest of October to shave their heads. I also hope that this will become a Gables tradition because I know for sure that the six of us aren’t the only ones who want to raise awareness and show support for the people that are going through all of this,” senior Oliver Robles said.
Many believe it is vital to show awareness for breast cancer, even in the smallest way. Hopefully, in the years to come, other students will join the movement to help gather support for this devastating disease.