Deadpool 2 Swings and Hits



Deadpool gives thanks for not being a bad movie.

Alexander Yagoda, Staff Writer

Release Date: May 18, 2018

Director: David Leitch

Starring: Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool), Josh Brolin (Cable), Julian Dennison (Firefist)

MPAA Rating: R

Our Rating: A

The original “Deadpool” was a groundbreaking movie due to the fact that it sparked a return of movies that break the fourth wall and literally speak to their audiences. Unfortunately, the movie spent much of its runtime developing characters, to the point of sacrificing time that should have been spent developing plot. Thankfully, “Deadpool 2” feels like a tangential follow-up to the original and does not keep any of the same plot points, with the possible exception of the theme of “peril of the lover.” Unfortunately, while a lover in danger is often abused to the point of cliché, the theme is pulled off well, if not at least decently, in both movies.

Deadpool’s wacky nighttime activities sometimes mean he wakes up in grave situations.

“‘Deadpool 1’ only focused on Deadpool’s character development, but ‘Deadpool 2’ only focuses on the plot, which was kind of neat to get switched,” sophomore Chris Brazda said.

While “Deadpool” focused on character development over plot, “Deadpool 2” focused more on plot over character development, and for good reason. Deadpool is the only fully fleshed-out character in terms of development and understanding because of his unique attitude. To spend more time elaborating on what audiences already know would be a terrible waste of resources. Instead, the creators aptly spent all their time on plot development and created a fantastically played out movie with great pacing. At no point in the movie does one get bored or confused as to what is going on. There is no need for any introduction; the movie starts strong, hard and fast, as something starring Deadpool might do.

This might be from “Deadpool 1,” but he still coined the T-pose.

“Honestly, ‘Deadpool 2’ tried too hard to be culturally relevant to the point that it made it worse,” freshman Justin Vazquez said.

The movie also lays hard into themes that are darker than would be expected, such as loss, but manages to address it by simply dodging it through some crafty cinema-work at the end of the movie. Overall, the sequel to “Deadpool” was just as good as the first, if not perhaps better in some ways. A seemingly dark, yet humorous movie that once again uses Josh Brolin as a semi-villain (mostly for advertising purposes) might only seem like a copy of “Infinity War.” To describe the movie with one word: fresh.