Facing early struggles this season, the Coral Gables Senior High varsity baseball team warmed up to face Immaculata La Salle High School at home. Attempting to rekindle their spirit after forfeiting three...
Preparing for their first match up of the week, the boys baseball team confidently headed into their matchup against Ferguson. With a 2 to 2 record, the Cavaliers looked to surpass the .500 mark. Knowing...
Touring ballparks across Miami-Dade and Broward County, senior Idail Diago returns to the diamond as Cavalier baseball's newest captain. Diago continues to excel as a full-time starter for varsity, however,...
With an abounding number of athletes, Coral Gables Senior High School offers students a place to unleash their full potential whether it be on the field, court or pool. For International Baccalaureate...
For the first time in Major League Baseball history, an official game was scheduled to be played in the state of Iowa on the Field of Dreams. Despite its postponement in 2020, the first-ever Field of Dreams...
On March 9, the Cavaliers baseball team went up against the Miami High Stingrays baseball team at the Cavaliers' home field, defeating them with a score of 11-1. Prior to the season, the Cavaliers baseball...
With baseball season officially underway, the Cavaliers have already played their first two games, defeating the Hialeah Gardens Gladiators. The team however, has counted on a new face this year to help...
With sports being back in full action, so is their counterpart: fantasy sports. Fantasy sports allow people to participate in a fantasy league depending on the sport where you can draft your favorite players...
Release Date: March 17, 2020
Developers: San Diego Studios
Overall Grade: A
San Diego Studios has done it once again. With yet another successful launch, 'MLB The Show 20' is at the top of the...
The Cavalier Baseball team is ready to get the ball rolling with the new season at full bloom. Practicing every day after school for a considerable number of hours and conditioning like cross country...
Ever since the Florida Marlins' 2003 magical playoff run that ended in a World Series title, they have been hovering over mediocrity for nearly two decades. That was the case until the team's former owner,...
The game of baseball has been an American pastime that has survived generations. From Babe Ruth and Jackie Robinson to Mike Trout and Derek Jeter, the sport has been loved by many across the country. Although...
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