Moesha: The Life Of A Teenager
Moesha is a 90s cult classic that never fails to entertain.
Sep 16, 2021
Platform: Netflix
Release date: Jan. 23, 1996
Director: Erma Elzy, Henry Chan
Cast: Brandy Norwood, Lamont Bentley, Marcus T. Paulk, Countess Vaughn, Shar Jackson, William Allen Young
Our Rating: A+
The classic 90s show “Moesha” can be perfectly described as a hidden treasure in the Netflix’s sitcom and family TV sections. It is a show about an African-American highschool student who lives in Leimert Park with her family and is trying to find her place in life while getting into a lot of trouble. After hardships, this feel-good tv show highlights the struggles of a grieving family, especially during a new coming of age for Moesha.
One of the best aspects of the show is the relatability— because many of the themes follow daily life, viewers can relate to everything that was happening, especially those who have experienced adolescence. From crazy teenage sneak out scenes to comedic relief in serious situations, the characters stayed true to themselves throughout the seasons. The actors played their characters very well and were really funny even in serious situations. Those playing family members excellently portrayed their affection towards one another, proving their versatility as a cast.
“I loved the show, my favorite character was Kim because she was really funny and her laugh made me crack up everytime I saw her. Seeing how fun their friend squad was, made me want to go to school with them and be their friend,” freshman Nicole Nunez said.
As far as cinematography goes, camera angles and dramatic effects had viewers on edge of their seat, an uncommon aspect to the stereotypical. ”Moesha” has arguably one of the most addicting soundtracks, with the songs always matching the mood of the scenes. The characters also sang on different occasions and the camera angles used when they were singing made it seem like they were in a music video.
The lighting, which greatly affects the mood of the episode, was sometimes too dark in which you couldn’t see the characters’ faces. At times, this added unwanted confusion, as viewers had to listen to them talking to each other without being able to see their facial expressions. However, this may have been affected by the camera quality in the 90s.
All in all, “Moesha” is underrated and deserves a strong reputation as a comedic coming-of-age family show. Watching Moesha grow up with a new mother figure and represent the importance of friendship to teenagers in such a difficult time in life gives viewers a timeless lens into adolescence.