Easy Recipes to Make During Quarantine


Allegra Sharp

Some easy quarantine recipes that can cure the boredom everyone is feeling right now.

Allegra Sharp, Staff Writer

Due to the coronavirus and the consequential quarantine that has occurred, staying at home can become extremely boring. However, there is always that one thing that can bring a bored teenager comfort and temporary entertainment—food. A great way to take your mind off of the stress and uncertainty that surrounds us is by cooking. Here are a few simple recipes that you can make at home that are healthy and incredibly tasty.


Serving size: Up to 4 people

Cooking time: 30 minutes


Allegra Sharp
An example of how the quarantine tacos turned out.
  • 1 pound of ground beef or pork
  • 2 1/2 tomatoes diced
  • Chili flakes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion diced
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 3 limes
  • 2 avocados
  • A handful of cilantro finely chopped
  • 2 green bell peppers
  • Olive oil
  • Tortillas


  1. The first thing that you need to do is find a large pan and put the stove and set it to medium heat
  2. Put the ground beef or pork in the pan along with 1 1/2 of the diced tomatoes, 1/2 of the diced onion, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, the two crushed cloves of garlic and a little drizzle of olive oil and stir it all together
  3. After about 15-20 minutes the beef or pork should start to darken
  4. When this happens cut two limes in half and squeeze 1 1/2 of the halves in the pan
  5. Continue to stir the pan until fully cooked
  6. Remove the pan from heat and set it aside
  7. Cut the bell peppers up and place in a small pan with a drizzle of olive oil along with a little bit of diced onions and tomatoes
  8. Sprinkle in some chili flakes (changes based on preference), some salt and a little bit go pepper
  9. Cook until the onions turn a clear transparent color and the bell peppers get a little bit of charing on the sides
  10. Cut the avocados in half and remove the seed and scoop the avocado into a small bowl along with the remaining tomato and the chopped cilantro
  11. Mix all of this together and add a pinch of salt and squeeze the last half of the lime and then mix it all together again
  12. Warm the tortillas slightly
  13. Place the tortillas on a plate and scoop a little of the pork/ beef mix in the middle, a little bit of avocado mix, a few bits of the bell peppers
  14. You can choose whether or not to put a little scoop of sour cream and/or cheese

“I tried making tacos during the quarantine and it was a great way to pass that time and they tasted delicious,” freshman Melina Telleria said.


Serving size: Up to 5 people

Cooking time: 40- 45 minutes


  • Tortilla chips
  • 2 green bell peppers
  • Olive oil
  • Salsa
  • 1 tomato diced
  • 1/2 onion diced
  • Cream cheese
  • 2 avocados
  • 1 lime
  • A handful of cilantro finely chopped
  • Cheese


  1. Cut the bell peppers up and place in a small pan with a drizzle of olive oil along with a little bit of diced onions and tomatoes
  2. Sprinkle in some chili flakes (changes based on preference), some salt and a little bit go pepper
  3. Cook until the onions turn a clear transparent color and the bell peppers get a little bit of charing on the sides
  4. Set aside
  5. Cut the avocados in half and remove the seed and scoop the avocado into a small bowl along with the remaining tomato and the chopped cilantro
  6. Mix all of this together and add a pinch of salt and squeeze the last half of the lime and then mix it all together again
  7. Set aside
  8. Place tortilla chips on a flat pan and evenly spread the cheese over the top
  9. Then, put the bell peppers, and salsa over the cheese and place in the oven until the cheese melts
  10. When ready take out of the oven and scoop the avocado mix and sour cream over the top


Serving size: One person

Cooking time: 5 minutes


  • Frozen fruit of your choice
  • Milk
  • Maple syrup or honey
  • Ice


  1. Place the frozen fruit, milk, maple syrup or honey and ice in a blender
  2. Put the lid on tight an blend until it appears smooth
  3. Take out of the blender and put in a glass with two extra pieces of ice if you want

“The quarantine has been a great way for me to try out new foods, so I really enjoyed making these smoothies because they are easy to make and they tasted great,” freshman Sam Sommer said.