Preparation Precedes Performance: FBLA Takes on Districts
Gables FBLA competitors took a picture after finally concluding their day of competing.
Jan 10, 2022
The Coral Gables Future Business Leaders of America took their talents to the Miami Dade College Kendall Campus and competed in a series of District presentation events. Students prepared for months, leading up to their district competitions on Friday, Jan. 7 in events such as Public Speaking, Job Interview and more. The goal of competing is to place within the top five of their events in order to qualify for state competitions in Orlando.
Gables FBLA students prepared extensively for months in hopes of dominating at the district level. In October, FBLA held an in-school Competitions Crash Course for beginners. Competitors were given the rundown on their respective competitions, and FBLA board members prepared study material for them.
“We felt as a board that we helped prepare the competitors in the best way possible. We were there every step of the way as students studied material going into the competition. We can only hope they excelled,” junior Mariam Aguilar said.
More recently, on Jan. 4, the club held a final meeting for competitors in presentation events. Competitors went over example case studies with the assistance and guidance of board members, final announcements were made and the stage was set for FBLA students. Months of preparation led up to a single presentation determining qualification for state competitions.
The morning of Jan. 7, students reported directly to FBLA supervisor Mr. Reisert in room 6203. Dressed for success, students boarded the bus and made their way to the MDC Kendall Campus. Gables FBLA students were stationed in the gym, surrounded by competitors from FBLA District 26 schools including Coral Reef and Miami High.
Competitors waited until their competitions were called and were escorted to different areas of the campus where they would compete. Students were given 20 minutes to prepare a presentation after they initially received their case study. Competitors had a maximum of seven minutes to wow judges with their solutions.
“I felt that I did well but the whole day leading up to the competition was stressful. But I’m mostly glad that I was finally able to compete in my senior year. I competed in Public Speaking and I am just hoping I am able to compete in States,” senior Adan Corea said.
Competitions ended at around 12:30 p.m., and Cavaliers enjoyed lunch together in the cafeteria after a long day of competing, discussing each of their experiences competing. Results of district competitions will be released virtually on January 19 at 8:00 a.m., leaving students in suspense until then.