Burqa Ban in Germany


Laura Rico

The ban on burqas has cause quite a craze in Germany.

Brianna Valdes, Staff Writer

German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a nationwide ban on full-face veils, which are mainly worn by Muslim women, on Dec. 6. Previously opposing the burqa ban, Merkel now believes that the movement is essential in order to stop the development of what she calls “parallel societies.” Back in Sept., Merkel called for stricter guidelines when it came to situations when wearing a full face veil was not permissible.

“I feel like the ban is going to spark a lot of controversy, but I think it’ll do more good than bad. It will stop dehumanizing their society in a way.” senior Alexandra Martinez said.

The ban proposes that a full-face veil is not to be worn in public places such as courts, schools and in road traffic; German police will administer checks to enforce the ban. Merkel further supported her decision by commenting on the inappropriateness of  the full veil and the lack of the original custom in Germany. Merkel reasons that it is important in German society to show one’s face when interacting when another.

“I think its not right what they’re doing in Germany just because I think its very oppressive and its limiting the culture and their rights just because its not the same as the Germans.” senior Julene Valmana said.

Trying for her fourth term, Merkel is focusing on law and order and growing her party’s conservative base. Looking back at the laws in Germany, the Chancellor stated that laws should come first, not one’s belief. Merkel is convinced that the ban will be in best interest of refugees, as it lessens one’s ability to discriminate based on visual appearance.

Germany is the only country to pursue a burqa ban. Countries such as France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland and Italy also have forms of the ban already in place but, have been unsuccessful. This ban may be the start of something great or just another problem along the way for Germany.