Putting on their favorite character-themed costumes, the Little Cavaliers were ready to stride down the halls. Knocking on each door they came across, they shouted “Trick-or-Treat!” Holding up their bags in the air, both teachers and staff members welcomed them, handing out classic treats from chocolates to lollipops.
Before making their way down to classrooms, the event sparked weeks of preparation. Deciding on this year’s Halloween theme to be Peter Pan, the Early Childhood Education teachers alongside parents and students all enthusiastically joined in the planning process, carefully selecting and designing their costumes to match the theme.
“They usually ask us a week in advance, but because my son was in the program I usually reach out to ask to be put on the list and decorate my door. Since 2020, when my son joined the program, I have participated in this. Something I noticed this year, was how the costumes looked more elaborate and they had more student aids walking with the Little Cavaliers,” Ms. Phillips said.

Fast forwarding to Oct. 31, the Early Childhood class organized the trick-or-treating event for the Little Cavaliers. Taking place throughout the 2000 and 4000 buildings during third period, the Little Cavaliers strolled through the halls with their adorned costumes. With smiles ear to ear, the event brought excitement, comfort and determination to collect as much candy as possible.
“I bought a huge pack of DumDums, which had a ton of flavors for the kids. It was really fun and interesting because I got to see the kids, and I’m definitely going to participate next year. I’m glad I got to experience this in my first year of teaching here at Gables,” Mr. Constant said.
With teachers being given the choice of whether or not to participate, those who decided to join had the opportunity to live up to the Halloween theme by decorating their classroom doors. Alongside keeping the green-orange aesthetics, teachers also had to follow candy precautions due to allergies.
“They gave us a week to go buy the candies for the kids, and they gave us strict guidelines of what candies not to buy. I bought Airheads and Kit Kats in hopes of making sure the kids liked these candies. Every time they do this tradition, they get more organized and give us more time to prepare,” Ms. Vazquezbello said.
After ending their tour in both buildings, the Little Cavaliers returned to their classroom, bags brimming with a colorful assortment of candies. Eager to uncover the sweet treasures they had gathered during their candy-collecting adventure, the smell of chocolate, fruity flavors and sugary delights brought excitement to their faces.
“I had fun because I got a lot of candy and shared it with my friends. I was dressed up as Isabella from Encanto since she is my favorite princess. I can’t wait for next year,” senior Milan Williams said.

Having looked forward to the Halloween tradition every year, the Little Cavaliers eagerly explored different classrooms and embarked on mini adventures. For them, this was more than just a fun activity – it was an opportunity to create everlasting memories centered around the joys of childhood and the journey of growing up.
“I was the bear from ‘The Lost Boys’ and we were able to either dress up or get ready in class. Some of the kids also came in character with us, dressing within the Peter Pan theme, which made us all very happy. Overall, I loved that day and I made great memories within,” senior Noelia Garcia said.