How to Spruce Up a Virtual Learning Space
Little things like plants, decorative figures, and plush toys play a key role in making a desk look fantastic.
Sep 5, 2020
Virtual learning has now officially begun, meaning all students have officially started their first week of online learning. As a result of the transition to a completely new learning environment, the first week of school might be a bit more stressful than usual. One way to make the start of the school year a little easier and a lot more fun is to decorate your virtual learning space at home. This allows students to take control of the constants in their environment so they can feel grounded, even in uncertain times. Here are some quick and easy methods to spice up your learning space.

Pencil Cup
One way to spruce up your workspace is to add a pencil cup with colorful markers and pens to your desk. This way, whenever you need to write something down on the fly or a teacher asks you to show your work, you have pens and pencils waiting for you to use on your desk. An example of a pencil cup you could use is a mason jar. Mason jars make especially good pencil cups because you can paint them and make them unique to match your desk. In addition to paint you can also decorate your jar with stickers, photos or you can even write your name on it with permanent marker. That way, your personality reflects on the jar and you can have something on your desk that screams you.
“Before online school started I decorated a mason jar with purple paint and stickers, now I use it as my pencil cup and I love it,” sophomore Sophie Gonzalez said.
Posters, Paintings, Boards
Another way to make your workspace at home more enjoyable is to hang posters, paintings or even a whiteboard on the wall closest to your desk. Paintings and posters are great to hang around your virtual space because they play a key role in making your workspace reflect who you are. They also make the space more lively to keep you in a good mood throughout all the lessons you have to endure that day. That way, whenever you are taking a stressful test you can look up and view something that gives you a little bit of joy. Whiteboards are also a great alternative because it can have many purposes such as drawing, doing work or using it for a to-do list.

Desk Pad
Lastly, one of the best and most affordable ways to make your workspace more cheerful is to get a clear desk pad and put photos underneath it. All you need is to purchase a cheap clear desk pad and print some photos and your space will completely transform. Not only will your space look less drab ut the photos will remind you of happy memories and keep your mood up throughout the grueling day. Another thing besides photos that you can put underneath the desk pad is a vibrant design so your desk still reflects the things you enjoy.
“I knew online school was going to be challenging, so I decorated my desk that way while I sat on my zoom calls all day I would have a nice and comforting workspace to help get me through the day,” sophomore Sofia Rodriguez said.
Even though times are constantly changing due to Coronavirus, this does not mean you have to have a boring space to do your classwork. By applying some of the tips above, you can make the most out of these constricting times through your new workspace.