Social Distancing? No Problem: What to Do While Staying Home
Maintaining a normal schedule can be difficult to do during a school shutdown. Students may need ideas on how to stay focused and what they can do during their time off.
Mar 24, 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic has halted life at Coral Gables Senior High and continues to change students’ schedules. Gables, along with other Miami-Dade County schools, was officially shut down by governor Ron DeSantis until at least Apr. 15, 2020. By now, the students have completely shifted to online learning, which gives them the entire responsibility of planning out their day accordingly so that they can complete all assignments. However, it can be difficult to learn at home, and with a one month break from school, Cavaliers might not know how to spend their time off. Some students may find themselves struggling to figure out how to occupy their time while staying safe, so here are some tips.
School Work
Schoolwork is by far the most important thing for students to work on while at home. This should be a priority in a student’s weekday while at home. It is always useful to have an agenda for you to be able to write down your assignments and due dates. Using an agenda will give you the ability to plan out your day or even week. Before school officially closed, many educators set up their classes on electronic platforms such as Google Classroom, Edmodo and Microsoft Teams, and they are using them as a way to upload their lectures and assignments. These allow students to pace themselves and it is an easy way for teachers to make sure their students are aware of what is going on. Every morning it is important to check each platform and using your new agenda, take note of each activity they give and how much time is available for each class.
Whether it is just a walk or a whole workout, students should stay on top of their health. It is recommended that teenagers get about 30 minutes to an hour of medium or vigorous activity at least three to four days a week. It can be as easy as just taking your dog out for a walk to a nearby park or one can take it a step further. There are plenty of workouts that you can easily do in the comfort of your own home. This is also a great alternative to going to the gym, which is a place where many germs are spread, and it is important to stay away from places like this especially at a time when crowded places can spread germs quickly and easily.
“The school shut down was probably a good call because if we get sick we might get our families or other people sick, even though it is really boring. With my free time, I have exercised inside and ridden a stationary bike inside,” freshman Beatriz Cruz said.
Indoor Activities
Since it is suggested that the general population stays home, having a good time is not as simple as going out with others. Many restaurants, beaches and malls are closed, leaving students with nowhere to go. Instead of staying cooped up in one’s room there are many things kids can do to have fun at home. Students can have a movie night with their family, watching Netflix and eating popcorn. Kids can also read a book to exercise their minds or listen to music. Gaining skills like learning a new language or playing an instrument can make one’s home seem like more of a comfortable refuge from the hectic outside world.
Hanging Out With Friends
It is hard to spend time with friends when physicians recommend social distancing in order to prevent the spreading of COVID-19. Fortunately, today’s technology allows for easier, safer means of enjoying each others’ company. If students want to converse with each other or are bored at home alone, they can always call their friends. FaceTime or other applications are a great way to see and talk to others while maintaining a healthy distance. Students can also play digital games with each other as a form of fun communication to pass the extra time that they have.
While these are truly uncertain times, it is critical, to not only ourselves but our peers as well, that we abide by the recommendations made by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and socially distance ourselves for the time being until this unfortunate pandemic subsides. Hopefully, with these few tips, you will take up a new hobby and make the most out of your time away from school. Stay safe, Cavaliers!