Go Small or Go Home!

Fayetteville Technical Community College
Small businesses are the way to go! They help the economy and give customers a more intimate and enjoyable experience.
May 2, 2017
Smaller businesses always provide a more one-on-one experience rather than any larger chain business. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses make up about 99.7 percent of all U.S. employer firms. This makes smaller businesses power industries which fuels the economy by providing the necessary jobs that keep our economy going. Chain businesses which are usually larger, often times are found on media, like the infamous Wendy’s Twitter account, and currently take the spotlight.
Usually, smaller business cater to their community and seek to participate in local events or support local school’s by providing discounts to their students or hosting their special events. Small business are supported by costumers who also want to support the community and who value the hard work the business owners put into ensuring their experience is perfect. Shopping at smaller local stores, provides more one on one time with costumers while chain businesses outsource customer service to save money. Along with this issue, customers may be directed to representatives in distant places who may or may not have an understanding or be familiar with local issues and concerns.

Days like Small Business Saturday help promote sales for small businesses.
“I shopped for my prom dress at a small boutique and I got a great deal. I chose not to shop at a store like Macy’s to avoid having the same dress as someone else. The shopping experience at a boutique is a lot more personal and made me even more excited to go prom,” senior Gyllian Sanchez.
Money wise, to start and run a small business is less expensive than it is to purchase a chain store or start and run a corporation. Things like small business loans and grants make it easier for small businesses to flourish whereas larger businesses rely on investors and are not eligible for the same type of loans. Smaller businesses also have lower operating and overhead costs which means less money is required to run an ad campaign and a lot simpler to spread a message.

Small businesses have a lot of advantages that make them optimal for both consumers and business owners.
Employee contact is also a great asset to small business. This means that in a small business it is easier to find an employee and ask questions rather than having to flag down an employee for help at any larger store. In a much smaller setting, employee also have easier access to their managers and owner of the store. Managers of chain stores may be out of touch with the day-to-day operations because they are not as accessible. Employee performance is also better quality in smaller businesses, since work is spread out.
“I’ve never shopped at a smaller business myself because I like things like Publix and Target but its cool to see the selections a smaller store can have,” freshman Matthew Enriquez said.

Small businesses have a great impact on our economy.
Ultimately, stores such as boutiques and organic grocery stores and smaller businesses are more expensive than the bigger chain businesses. This is one of the reasons people choose to go chain stores and look for cheaper prices, even turning to coupons to get a better deal. Overall, small businesses are the way to go even for the often times larger price tag. They include many advantages and are even more accessible for local civilians to access. Smaller businesses do not get enough credit, but provide a different shopping experience.