Ahmad Fambro: Reliving his Passion for Athletics


Courtesy of Ahmad Fambro

Junior Ahmad Fambro opens his strides during the 800 meter race at Traz Powell Stadium.

Building the confidence to exceed in not one but two varsity sports is a unique characteristic that distinguishes athletes of Coral Gables Senior High. Extracurricular involvement is familiar ground for junior Ahmad Fambro, a fervent member of Cavalier football and the track and field team.

Despite never playing organized sports, Fambro realized his athletic potential in elementary school. His passion for American football stems from older relatives, who introduced him to the sport. Looking for a competitive atmosphere, Fambro was encouraged to transform his once-hobby into a full-time commitment. He joined Gables’ varsity football team as a sophomore.

“I decided to enter the football team when one of my friends from class told me to join the football team because I would always criticize them, I took their advice as a challenge and made it my duty to do my best so that as a team we can succeed,” junior Ahmad Fambro said.

Fambro sprints past the defenders on senior night versus the Southwest Eagles. (Courtsey of Ahmad Fambro)

Currently, Fambro plays wide receiver, defensive back and punt returner for Gables’ varsity football team. These positions require speed and agility, both of which are natural skill sets for number ten on the field. In 2022, Gables achieved a 5-4 record with Fambro sprinting between the sidelines.

“Ahmad has played about almost every position on the field and he was constantly making big plays when they were needed at most. He basically never left the field when playing and when he was off the field it was difficult for the team to fill that role he played,” senior Lucas Paez said.

Other than memorizing plays, Fambro spends his leisure hours on the Gables track. As part of the Health, Public Service and Law academy, he prioritizes school up until 2:45 p.m., when track conditioning begins. Whether training for the 800-meter, mile or triple jump event, Fambro experiences a tranquil mind upon placing his spikes.

Playing football and running track & field impacts my daily life because I have learned to enjoy the journey. Although not every day goes as planned, sometime you have to adjust to the circumstances,

— junior Ahmad Fambro

“Ahmad truly loves [track & field]. He brings passion and athleticism to motivate the team to reach their individual goals. He has emerged as a leader, but needs to continue to challenge himself and others to develop into the role as a possible team captain,” track & field coach Chapman said.

While his favorite pastimes involve sports, Fambro also teaches with the Health Information Project club, educating freshmen on health topics. In order to succeed with HIP, Fambro applies leadership skills from the track.

“I think the biggest leadership role as an upperclassman is leading by example. Being a role model is to show them that is not how big you are but how big your heart is. Every opportunity, [my teammates] should do it 100%,” junior Ahmad Fambro said.

Fambro is well-rounded but never ceases to recall his journey to sports. He credits Gables for the ability to compete and push his limitations day in and day out.

“My roots [for sports] come from me always being an energetic kid. Running and football just happened to be my favorites,” junior Ahmad Fambro said.

The student-athlete urges Cavaliers to try out for a sport because the opportunities are endless. He affirms that hard work is the key to success in life. For now, Fambro will continue to bring honor to his alma mater and spot potential athletes along the way.