Obama Sends 250 More Troops to Syria

Obama announces the deployment of 250 more troops to help Syria in the fight against ISIS.
Apr 28, 2016
On Monday, April 25, Obama confirmed that 250 more troops would be sent to help fight against the Islamic State (or ISIS) forces still in power within Syria.
Obama’s decision to deploy 220 additional troops to Syria was first announced on Sunday during his meeting with the German leader, Merkel. Here Obama addressed his fear of the growing violence within Syria, and the need to act against as the amount of bombings against rebel forces increase.
“I think ISIS is too efficient and organized of a terrorist group for a small dose of extra soldiers, even well-trained American soldiers, to make a significant difference in the long run,” senior Maya Iskandarani said.
Obama has made sure to clarify that he is not sending American troops to Syria engage in battle, but that they are there to assist the forces in Syria with advice and support as they fight ISIS. These 250 troops are to join the 50 that were send last year to help in the “counter-terrorism” movement.
In recent years Obama’s promise to withdraw America troops from the Middle East has fallen short, as ISIS influences in the Middle East has grown stronger. But, despite the criticism, Obama has held onto his decision to back the fight in Syria as success against the Islamic State continues.
With the inclusion of the 250 troops, American contribution to countering ISIS is the highest among the other countries. But, as terrorist influence grows within the Middle East, its necessary to ask whether enough is being done to strengthen the counter-terrorism movement.