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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Seniors and Juniors alike prepare for the Mr. Coral Gables show by going over their dance moves. Students practice moving their hips and getting in rhythm with the beat.

Mr. Coral Gables Tension Rises as Participants Finalize their Preparation

Santiago Rodriguez, Staff Writer Nov 30, 2024

Shortly after school ends, dancing, music and laughter fill the air as students tend to eavesdrop on the excitement as they walk by the 6000 building. Preparing for their upcoming show, participants of...

The Lady Cavaliers stand together during one of their tournaments leading up to the GMAC.

GMAC Prepares the Cavalier Wrestling Team for What is Up Ahead

Andres Rodriguez, Sports Editor Feb 7, 2024

The Cavalier wrestling team witnessed history on Jan. 25. Restraining her opponent's ability to break free, junior Kamora Willis pinned her to the ground. The two athletes spun around in circles until...

FBLA participants showcased their medals after receiving multiple accolades.

FBLA Returns to State Competition for Second Year in a Row

Tiffany Beh, Staff Writer Feb 1, 2023

Grinding out hours of preparation over the past few months, Future Business Leaders of America came prepared for their annual award ceremony. On Jan. 26, students came to school decked out in business...

SAT Preparation Tips

Amanda Perez, CavsTV Staff Sep 14, 2020


Juniors enrolled in the International Baccalaureate program began to develop a research question for their upcoming Extended Essays: a paper they will write during the duration of their junior year.

Extended Essay Workshops: A Guide to Self-Directed Research

Melanie Ozuna, Staff Writer Sep 20, 2019

On Monday, Sept. 16, International Baccalaureate coordinator Ms. Van Wyk hosted this year's first workshop on Extended Essay writing for the class of 2021. The Extended Essay, an important component in...

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