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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The DMV Appointment Process: Should Reforms Be Placed On Its Online System?

The DMV Appointment Process: Should Reforms Be Placed On Its Online System?

Anthony Fajardo, CavsConnect Staff Writer Oct 31, 2022

As the students of Coral Gables Senior High mature and gain independence as young adults, many have begun practicing and studying to get their Florida Driver's Licenses. However, the Department of Motor...

The 10/20 rule for attendance at Gables has been the receiver of recent criticism for being too strict compared to previous years.

The Controversy of 10/20: How Strictly Should Attendance Be Controlled?

Anthony Fajardo, Staff Writer Sep 20, 2022

Imagine being in your senior year, excited for graduation and already planning what you are going to wear for prom. Suddenly, you are told that you cannot attend these once-in-a-lifetime events because...

The new Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has created an uproar among the pro-choice community throughout the country.

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade: A Monumentally Horrific Decision

Gabriela McGrath Moreira, Staff Writer Aug 30, 2022

The ultimate responsibility of the Supreme Court as an institution is to protect equal justice under the law. However, the Court recently overturned Roe v. Wade, indicating that it does not truly care...

The Varsity Boys Basketball Team traveled over an hour away to get game time after this debacle.

GMAC Referee Strike: What are the Implications?

Andres Rodriguez, Staff Writer Nov 25, 2021

With high school basketball season around the corner, several Miami-Dade County referees have gone on strike. After a series of disagreements between high school basketball officials and the Greater Miami...

Hello Biden! The First 100 Days

Lucia Chico, Staff Writer Feb 2, 2021

As the Trump era ends and a new administration is desperately ushered in, the American people are beginning to see kept promises and consistency in leaders’ messages. A theme in President Joe Biden’s...

Biden’s administration officially made the transfer of power on January 20, 2021.

A Transfer of Power like No Other: A Lens into the Biden and Trump Presidencies

Abigail Felan, Copy Editor Feb 2, 2021

A look back on the Trump presidency brings about mixed emotions for many Americans. However, it is with optimism that the American people can look forward to a Biden presidency. Social justice and activism...

The White House released a statement on Columbus Day highlighting Christopher Columbus' achievements but failed to acknowledge his wrong doings.

The White House’s Politicized Statement on Columbus Day

Lucia Chico, Staff Writer Oct 29, 2020

Every year, as a form of commemorating Cristopher Columbus’ impactful voyage to the New World, the President of the United States must proclaim the second Monday of October as Columbus Day. The annual...

Medical neglect by ICE towards immigrants throughout the years has shown a repulsive manner of the way these people are treated.

Why Does ICE Continue to Lose the Trust of Citizens?

Gabriela McGrath Moreira, Staff Writer Oct 15, 2020

Scandal after scandal, the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement has lost the trust of the people. From separating children from their families to the horrible conditions at Detention centers...

Even after contracting the deadly COVID-19 virus, Trump seems to still not understand that him downplaying it will only make the pandemic worse in the United States.

Trump Continues to Downplay COVID-19 after Testing Positive

Mia Cabrera, Staff Writer Oct 10, 2020

After news spread on Oct. 2 that President Trump had been infected with COVID-19, many were in shock that one of the few people adamant about the virus not being serious contracted it. With him experiencing...

The New York Times released a very long overdue article on Trump's tax returns this past week.

Trump’s Taxes: The Signs of A Failed Businessman

Lucia Chico, Staff Writer Oct 8, 2020

With less than 40 days until election, The New York Times published an extensive investigation unveiling President Trump’s tax records, which many Americans have wanted to see since his first presidential...

QAnon believer found in Trump rally crowd.

Are Conspiracy Theories a Threat to Lives and Democracy?

Lucia Chico, Staff Writer Oct 7, 2020

Social media began as a tool to keep in contact with friends, family and old colleagues. It was an incredible creation, giving people a new way to share their daily life and opinions. In recent years,...

Donald Trump wants to immediately fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's spot with a woman who is against all of the views she held.

Should the Notorious RBG Be Replaced So Soon?

Leidi-Di Salcedo-Urena, Staff Writer Oct 1, 2020

On Sep. 18, 2020, the American people were saddened and heartbroken by the news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing. Also known as RBG, she was a Supreme Court justice who was a fierce feminist and LGBTQ+...

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