Avery Felix: Blue Devil on the Horizon

Courtesy of Avery Felix

The future looks bright for Avery Felix as she receives her admission into Duke.

With upwards of 50,000 total applicants every year and an acceptance rate of nearly 6%, Duke University is a prestigious and highly selective college. However, with a little bit of hope and an Early Decision application, senior Avery Felix had her dreams realized when she received her acceptance into Duke’s Class of 2027.

As a Cavalier, Felix has left her mark across all of Coral Gables Senior High. Throughout her four years of high school, she has been part of both the girl’s tennis and volleyball teams, now leading as captain of both sports. Additionally, Felix is dedicated to community service and school engagement through her involvement in Key Club, the International Baccalaureate Honors Society, the National Honor Society and Student Activities.

“I think leaving the state of Florida will be hard for anybody who lives in Miami. It’s going to be a challenge for her because she’s not used to a limited number of minorities, but she’s competitive, she’s thorough and she’s intelligent, so she will be great at Duke,” Mrs. Suarez said.

Felix drew great inspiration from her family in her decision to apply to Duke. Her father graduated from Duke as part of the Class of 2000 and her mother grew up in Durham, N.C. Despite knowing that she will be leaving her family in Florida, Felix takes comfort in the fact that she will soon be able to form stronger bonds with her relatives that live in North Carolina. She is also a big fan of the Durham location, which although quieter than her hometown of Miami, still offers activity through other means like its hiking trails and state parks.

From an early age, Avery Felix and her father cheered the Blue Devils on at football games. This game in particular was Duke versus the University of Miami. (Courtesy of Avery Felix)

“When it comes to applying to college, it’s always a guessing game, you don’t know what universities are going to want to accept you, but always be true to yourself and be proud of your accomplishments no matter what,” senior Avery Felix said.

When selecting her school, Felix knew that she wanted a rigorous curriculum that still offered activities outside of academics. Smaller class sizes were appealing as classes become more personal and the community more tight-knit. Duke also offers extracurriculars similar to those that she currently participates in. Felix has already looked into joining different clubs and sports teams and has networked with Duke students and coaches that are involved in tennis.

“I was really excited when I saw my acceptance. I was kind of shocked. I don’t think it fully set in when it happened. I just saw the confetti and the congratulations and got really excited,” senior Felix said.

In terms of her major, Felix is still undecided. She does know, however, that she wants to be a lawyer and is considering a major in political science. Her father is also a source of inspiration for her career aspirations, being a lawyer himself.

Felix has already taken law classes both during her time in high school and over the summer to expand her knowledge as she contemplates what specialty she wants to pursue in the future, whether it be joining a law firm, management law, corporate law or becoming a public service lawyer. Regardless, she has done research on several internships and programs for higher education, as she wants to go to law school after earning her undergraduate degree from Duke. Felix serves as proof that with a dream and a drive, anything is achievable.