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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School



Sep 7, 2022

Senior Parent Meeting is Thursday, September 8th at 6:30 pm Calling all parents of seniors! Attend for important information about the college application process and more. Click here for the zoom link

Juniors and seniors attended the annual college fair at Gables to interact with the representatives of the 38 colleges that attended.

Finalizing Our Future: College Fair 2021

Nicholas Calindro, Staff Writer Oct 6, 2021

With college applications nearing, representatives from 38 universities around the United States visited Coral Gables Senior High to participate in the annual college fair. On Oct. 4, schools such as Harvard...

With COVID-19 complicating and moving so many aspects online, the college application process has been much more challenging for this year's seniors.

College Application Struggles During COVID

Isabel Donner, Staff Writer Dec 1, 2020

The Coronavirus has drastically altered the college application experience for the class of 2021 as students finalize preparations to move on to the next phase of their academic careers. This process has...

Gables Grads Return to Share Their Experience

Gables Grads Return to Share Their Experience

Patricia Passwaters, Editor in Chief Dec 20, 2013

Who said senior year was the easiest? Whoever it was, they lied. Not only do seniors have to worry about their exams, but they must also worry about all of the applications they must fill out; college...

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