How to: A Comprehensive Guide to the Perfect Spirit Week Outfit


CavsConnect 2019-2020 Staff celebrating Spirit Week

Abigail Colodner, Staff Writer

Spirit Week has finally arrived at Coral Gables Senior High and the long standing tradition comes with new and returning spirit day themes. While many struggle to find the perfect outfit, this step by step guide will solve that problem.

Step 1. Figuring out the themes

Spirit Week themes were announced on Oct. 4 and planning ahead might be the most important step. The themes are as follows:
Monday, Oct. 11 – Character/Meme Day
Tuesday, Oct. 12 – Country Club vs. Country
Wednesday, Oct. 13 – PSAT Day; Uniform
Thursday, Oct. 14 – Blast to the Past
Friday, Oct. 15 – Color Wars

Step 2. Taking inventory of your closet

Once the themes have been released, the next step is to begin to take inventory of what you have in your closet and what could be helpful in creating outfits. In terms of “Character Day,” any solid colors could be useful in nailing the perfect recreation of your favorite characters. A cartoon persona might be the easiest choice because they often wear just one immediately recognizable outfit in every episode. For “Country Club vs Country,” be on the lookout for patterns like argyle and plaid. A posh sweater vest tied around the neck or jean overalls can both be key pieces in the perfect country club or country outfit.

“I love the idea of Country Club vs. Country because I’ve been seeing it all over Tiktok this year. It’s something I’ve never heard of before and I wonder how it will go down,” senior Marianpaola Chacon said.

“Blast to the Past” is a well established theme and can be counted on to return every year. For this day, you should take the opportunity to scour your parents’ wardrobes. If they wore it in high school, chances are you can wear it as a throwback. Outside of this, baggy jeans and the “Y2K” trend have come back in style and can easily be transformed into an outfit from another decade. Lastly, “Color Wars” is the perfect opportunity to show your pride in your class by wearing your colors on your sleeve- literally. Seniors dress in red, juniors in white, sophomores in black and freshmen in gray. Feel free to go all out in your colors—wigs, sunglasses, tutus and anything else in each grade’s respective colors are perfect in order to establish the best class.

“I’ve watched 3 other senior classes get to show off in all red on Color War day and I’m excited I finally get my turn,” senior Rebeca Morejon said.

Step 3. Planning and coordinating ahead of time

After following these steps, you have decided what themes you are participating in and what you need for each outfit. Now it is time to coordinate everything and get all your things in order. Any last minute items can be purchased at Party City, or for a more affordable option, your local thrift/dollar store for basics.

Whether you decide to participate just one day or all four, Spirit Week is a great opportunity to show your school spirit and get a break from wearing uniform in preparation for Gables’ annual Homecoming tradition.