CavsTV: A New Perspective on Coral Gables Senior High

Daniel Toll

CavsTV is Coral Gables’s new production class for the 2020-2021 school year.

Stephanie Andrade, Staff Writer

Coral Gables Senior High (CGSH) is a campus full of opportunities and chances to meet new people, offering many different clubs, sports, and a wide range of different classes to help students find their place. This year, the fall of the ‘GablesLive!’ publication took a fall, removing broadcasting as an elective for Cavaliers, but it will experience a revival during the 2020-2021 school year under the leadership of Mrs. Passwaters, who has decided to revive ‘GablesLive!’ and rebrand it into a whole new publication, CavsTV.

CavsTV will serve as Gables’ broadcasting and social media publication and is being offered as a sixth-period class. This particular publication will revolve heavily around editing, filming, photography, and digital design. The class will feature weekly assignments and will allow for the students enrolled in the publication to choose their video for the week and will also feature weekly morning announcement segments. To grow and improve from the past, CavsTv will work to make their segments about 6-8 minutes long. Within these segments, students will add in their weekly projects and assignments to the daily morning announcements. 

CavsTV will continue to create the videos now featured on the CavsConnect Instagram, such as the ‘Tik Tok Tuesdays’, which have shown to be very popular within our teachers and students. These videos are just another inside look into the positive, hard-working, and receptive staff CGSH has. The CavsTV crew members are already working on new and improved ideas to keep the administrative staff and student body well-entertained.

The CavsTV staffers will not only work during their designated class period, but they will also actively post on the CavsConnect and CavsTV shared Instagram/Twitter, as well as the Coral Gables Instagram/Twitter. Their aim is to constantly keep the student body updated with impertinent information that is simply one click away.

“I joined CavsTV because I love to take pictures and record the trips I go on. I edit videos out of them. When I heard they were opening this publication, I wanted to bring that into my Gables experience. I am also excited to meet new people through the class,” sophomore Kennedy Martin Jones said. 

Rising seniors Natalie Abrahantes and Melanie Ozuna will be CavsTV’s first-ever Editors-in-Chief. Both Ozuna and Abrahantes have been on the CavsConnect staff and have lots of shared experiences when it comes to being a part of a successful publication. These two students also know a thing or two about being a leader; each is heavily involved with other clubs and activities on campus. Ozuna has been a loyal member of Gables Earth and other community service-centered clubs. Abrahantes has been in Student Government for two years, working closely with Student Activities Director, Mrs. Suarez, to plan several academic events and treat days.

As Editors-in-Chief, they will guide the class and teach them how to use the new editing software and programs. They hope to grow as leaders, as well as teach CavsTV staffers the skills they once learned in editing, photography, and digital design. The goal is to show the student body the benefits of being more involved and aware of what is going on around the school. The next school year will bring a new side of Gables to the student body, a side never properly explored before.

“When Mrs.Passwaters presented me with the opportunity to be the Co-Editor-in-Chief of CavsTV, I was so overwhelmed with happiness I did not know what to do with myself. I will be forever thankful for this opportunity as I get to spend next year doing what I love, which is digital design and editing. Not only that, but I get to do it surrounded by an amazing friend and an exceptional advisor,” junior Natalie Abrahantes said.

CavsTV is a publication that welcomes those with a passion for editing videos, photography, and digital design. If this sounds like you, consider applying! Aside from learning and improving these skills, one of the publication’s main goals it to spotlight the school and its student body. If you have not thought about joining, definitely consider doing so now, as this publication will truly capture what Gables is all about.