“The USC Bovard Scholars team has already begun reading applications from high school students from all across the country who want support in applying to and succeeding at top-tier colleges and universities in the U.S.! Join us on the USC campus this summer.”
Applications are due January 12, 2024, at 5:00 pm PT.We invite all high-achieving high school juniors with financial need to apply.This year, the summer intensive portion of the program runs from July 15 through August 3, 2024. And remember, we offer the program at no cost to students or families. USC will pay for airfare to and from campus for students coming from outside of Southern California.
You can find more information by clicking here: https://bovardscholars.usc.edu/our-program/
Reminder to Register for Q&A Sessions:
Wednesday, December 6 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Pacific Time For students
Students can register here, and we will follow up with a Zoom link to the webinar in advance: https://usc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iu0tuEviSQSoBhudFDaipA#/registration