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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders compete for Democratic nomination

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders compete for Democratic nomination

Laura Hernandez, Staff Writer May 1, 2020

Recently, several Democratic candidates have dropped out of the race, leaving Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders as the only contenders for their parties’ nomination. The Super Tuesday primaries proved that...

Caucuses are essential to presidential races, and the chaos in Iowa was totally unexpected. Situations such as these affect citizens including Gables students. Cavaliers are reminded of their government everyday with the flags that fly in classrooms, among other symbols of the country that remain prevalent.

Democratic Iowa Caucus Causes Chaos

Sofia Cruz, Staff Writer Feb 10, 2020

Debates, campaigning and other preparations for the 2020 presidential election have led to the Democratic caucuses in Iowa. The meeting is meant for party members to express their preference among candidates...

Hillary Clinton came out on top in the first Democratic debate.

Hillary Takes the Gold at the Democratic Debate

Natalie De La Rosa, Staff Writer Oct 30, 2015

The Democratic party presidential candidates took to the stage on Oct. 13 in order introduce the lesser known democratic candidates to viewers, and  to debate their views on important issues facing our...

Recap: May 25-May 31

Recap: May 25-May 31

Daniela Quijano, Editor Jun 1, 2015

International Affairs Mob burns teen girl alive A girl in Guatemala was burned alive after she was accused of being involved in the death of a taxi driver earlier this month. The burning of the...

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