Athlete of the Week: Kassandra Luis

Cameryn Padron

Cameryn Padron

Kassandra Luis in her element!

Adriana Meijaard, Staff Writer

Kassandra Luis, a senior in the Academy of Finance (AOF), was selected to be the Coral Gables Athlete of the Week from Jan. 28 to Feb. 4. When growing up, it was a recreational activity for her until the seventh grade when her friends brought out her competitive side. Although she was just a freshman, she joined the Lady Cavs varsity basketball team as a point guard.

Luis, along with the rest of the Lady Cavs, practice every day for two hours. As a result of their extensive practices, the Lady Cavs basketball team was able to defeat their rivals, Coral Park and Braddock. It is evident that the Lady Cavs implemented passion and team support throughout their games. Luis averaged 11 points, 2 assists and 4 steals during those games to earn the distinction of Athlete of the Week.

In addition to basketball, Luis is an active member of several clubs like Future Business Leaders of America, Interact, Gay-Straight Alliance, National Honor Society and she is also the historian of the Academy of Finance. Aside from her studies and the number of clubs she participates in, Luis is working on a sports app, named $port’d, as her Silver Knight project. The app is structured towards assisting Coral Gables High students and staff to find jobs, internships and volunteering opportunities in the area. It focuses mainly on the mainstream sports at Gables, like football and basketball, but it also gives the opportunity for lacrosse and ultimate Frisbee to shine. Luis brings a balance between having fun and balancing her academic works.

Q: What made you want to play basketball in the first place?

A: When I first started playing basketball, it was just me and my guy friends that would play. There is actually a basketball player that comes here named Manuel Torres; him and I would just play for fun and then we started getting really competitive. So, him and I just kind of grew together through basketball and for me it has kind of been an outlet to, like, release any stress or get my mind off of things, stuff like that and it also keeps me fit. So, it’s a win for everybody.

Q: What’s your favorite part of basketball?

A: My favorite part of basketball is making a shot or giving a nice assist, but now it’s reflecting back to how much I’ve grown from basketball since I’ve started playing.

Q: What do you do off the court?

A: At school, off the court, I’m part of many different clubs: FBLA, Interact, GSA, NHS and Historian of my academy for the seniors which is the Academy of Finance. Other than that, I go home and have my school work, which keeps me fairly busy. Other than that, I do my community service and I am working on a sports app that is also my Silver Knight project.

Q: Do you plan to continue basketball in college?

A: I have schools that are interested in me, but I haven’t been offered by any schools yet. But if the opportunity presents itself, then I will continue basketball, but if it doesn’t, then I won’t.

After senior year ends, Kassandra plans on majoring in Hospitality Management and being part of a major tourist company. She does have some colleges in mind that she hopes to attend, but if given the opportunity to continue to play basketball, she would proudly accept. With only a couple of months left in her senior year, she is trying to make the best out of the time she has left with her fellow classmates and teachers. A critical aspect of her life, the sport of basketball has undoubtedly shaped Kassandra’s personality and high school career. Make sure to stay tuned to the rest of the girls’ basketball season and wish Kassandra Luis luck as the team eyes a potential district title.