Senior Picnic Form Is Live!

The Senior Picnic will take place on Friday, March 11th. However, the senior picnic will be different this year in comparison to years past. This year, you will select a team of ten (must be a mix of boys and girls).

The agenda for the day will be as follows:

  • In the morning, we will have a Cereal Party, a movie in the auditorium and announce Senior Superlatives.
  • In the afternoon, we will have the Wacky Olympics with a DJ and a picnic style lunch.

To be considered eligible to attend, you can not exceed the 10/20 attendance rule this school year, have no indoor/outdoor suspension and have participated in the fundraiser (you can still participate).

You can find the senior picnic form on your senior class teams. By submitting the form available to you, you acknowledge that you will pay the $30 to attend senior picnic and acknowledge that you have not surpassed the 1/20 or have any indoor/outdoor suspensions. 

Once you fill out the interest form, you will receive an email through your student email advising you whether you are eligible to attend or not. If eligible, the payment dates will be provided via email.

The form will be open from January 6 until January 12. No late submissions will be accepted.