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In the final game, balloon pop, seniors Frank Gozalo and Alejandro Nieves work together to secure the win for their team.
In the first game, freshmen came together to form a strong alliance, which gave them the win.
Senior Kamora Willis is recognized for her oustanding performance in her wrestling matches. Proud of this nomination, she runs cheerfully to the middle of the gym as all eyes are on her.
To conclude the pep rally, Cavaliers come together to sing the Alma Mater, a moment that unifies all of Gables.
As the pep rally starts, seniors shout as loud as possible to make their presence known in the gym.
As the cheerleaders practiced for months to impress the crowd, they come together for a photo, feeling proud of what they’ve accomplished.
The newly formed Bhangra club put on an amazing performance for the Cavaliers, showcasing the diversity that Coral Gables Senior High offers.
Seniors decked out in red show their pride while looking at the camera, making sure to document their last few months before entering adulthood.
Juniors Sela Peña, Olivia Lacouture, and Isabella Melendro cheerfully pose to take a photo. Pep rallies are their favorite part of being Cavaliers.
As the pep rally begins, the seniors come together to create a red section in the gym. Laughing and cheering, they are excited for the games and performances that awaits them.