Seniors, it has come to my attention that 541 seniors have not yet applied for Bright Futures. This is FREE money if you qualify! It takes 10 minutes. Please apply as soon as possible at www.
Please remember to fill out your FAFSA forms online at AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Many of you have been to my office to say you have been getting charged to fill out the form or to ask questions. IF YOU ARE BEING CHARGED, YOU ARE USING THE WRONG SITE. IT IS www.fafsa.ed.GOV, it is NOT Also, before the break I sent you all an email with step by step instructions for FAFSA and I suggested you watch the video “7 easy steps to FAFSA” on YouTube. I have also put up helpful suggestions on Facebook and I will be coming to your senior classes in February to talk about it. PLEASE make sure you fill out both FAFSA and Bright Futures.
Please see me in the CAP office if you have any questions.
-Mrs. Stack