Mateo Blaschke, CavsConnect Video/Podcast Editor
Mateo Blaschke is a junior in the International Baccalaureate Program, and this is his first year in CavsConnect, after working last year with CavsTV. He is the Video Editor as well as the Podcast Editor. In the future, Mateo looks forward to continuing to be involved in the school by attending sports games, pep rallies and other school activities. He is also part of the boys varsity soccer team and wishes to continue playing until he graduates. He boasts about the importance of balance in people's lives and even though it can be hard at times, he always tries his best to keep his academic and athletic life very balanced. During his free time, you can usually find Mateo playing soccer, biking around the city and hanging out with friends. Mateo really loves to travel around the world because he finds it interesting how countries around the world differ culturally.