Staying on Track and Playing the Field

Daniel Toll

The Coral Gables Cavaliers’ Track and Field season is underway, and the team is as prepared as ever for the challenges ahead.

Daniel Toll, Sports Editor

As the winter sports seasons draw to a close, the focus on Cavalier athletics shifts to the preseason practices and games of the numerous spring sports played at Gables. Running from late winter through much of the month of May, spring sports offer some of the greatest experiences and performances the athletic school year has to offer.

Of all the highly regarded Cavalier sports, track and field may be one of the most prepared for the arrival of the 2019 season. Having started conditioning in early December, the members of the track and field team, old and new alike, have put in hours of running and training in order to get into the best shape possible for the arrival of the season.

Led by Coach Springer and Coach Fotso, the Cavalier track and field team is destined for great success during the upcoming season, and it is evident in their rigorous practice regimens and workouts. In a typical practice, the team divides itself into three groups based on the events each athlete competes in at the meets: distance runners, sprinters and those who participate in field events.

Jordan Morejon
Senior distance runner Jordan Morejon paces past his competitors at last year’s Tropical Park meet.

The running component of the track team is divided into two groups in itself: the distance team and the sprinting team. Generally, the distance team participates in the 1600 meter and 3200 meter runs at track meets, which are one and two mile runs, respectively. However, at practice, they run far more than they would on any given day at a track meet. With intentions to build strength and endurance, their practices consist of laps around the school known as “small schools,” intricate routes throughout the Coral Gables neighborhoods and a to-and-from route that extends to the University of Miami’s baseball field. The distance team is more than ready to take on the challenges that lie ahead, and, with a group of strong, experienced leaders, they are destined for greatness.

“As this is my last season, I’m going to try and motivate all the underclassmen so that they understand how beautiful it is to see good outcomes from hard work,” senior Jordan Morejon said.

The sprinters typically hold their practices within the boundaries of our school campus and on the track. At track meets, they run anything from the 100 meter dash, to a paced 800 meter run. Their practices vary far more than those of the distance team, and they do several different drills every day to build power in their strides and to maintain proper form for future track meets.

The third group of the Cavalier track and field team, those who participate in field events, is significantly smaller in number, but their practice regimen in nonetheless impressive. The field team for the most part works independently from the running groups, and they cooperatively work to improve their skills alongside their teammates in events like shot put, discuss, pole vaulting and several more.

“This upcoming season seems very promising with the new faces we have on the team. I can sense we are going to do great things this year and have lots of people qualify for States. I am really looking forward to progressing in pole vaulting and clearing new heights,” junior Ayelen Escaurido said.

With the first official meet just short of two weeks away, the Cavalier Track and Field team anticipates the arrival of the 2019 season with great interest and excitement.