22 Jump Street

Sabrina Ochoa, Editor-in-Chief

Release Date: June 13, 2014

MPAA Rating: R

Directors: Chris Miller, Phil Lord

Stars: Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Ice Cube, Wyatt Russell, Amber Stevens, Jillian Bell

Our Rating: A

Schmidt and Jenko are at it again in the recently released film, 22 Jump Street! A sequel to the widely praised 21 Jump Street (2012),  the movie gathered much attention once it was announced. With famous actors like Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, and Ice Cube accompanied by their comic wit, the film is never boring! The earlier 21 Jump Street was adapted from 21 Jump Street, a television series from the late 80’s starring Johnny Depp, and 22 Jump Street takes the story of Schmidt (Hill) and Jenko (Tatum) even further!

The movie begins with a quick review of past events (clips from 21 Jump Street) and the pair pick up a new case. Captain Dickson (Ice Cube) sends the dynamic duo on a drug bust at Metropolitan City State (MC), a nearby university. The case is similar to the one previously solved, but varied in several twists. Not to mention the hilarious ‘lovers spats,’ action scenes, college crazes, and walks of shame that bring the movie to its captivating plot. Of course, the movie wouldn’t be a ‘Jump Street film’ without the occasional trouble the partners can never keep away from! After all the car chases and continuous fighting, Schmidt and Jenko come together to bring down the supplier and inevitably risk their lives for one another.

Although the humor can be characterized as childish at some levels, the film had something for each of its viewers. This lighthearted movie is hilariously good, and definitely meets expectations. All in all, 22 Jump Street was a hit!