Catch a Cav with Character: Risk-Takers

Ms. Driver

These four students have demonstrated their risk-taking attitudes in and outside the classroom.

Risk-takers can be defined as individuals constantly seeking new opportunities and creating new goals for themselves as students. The students below have been singled out as risk-takers not just in their academic profiles, but in their other extracurriculars as well. These Cavaliers are known for not being afraid to try something new in search of other opportunities.

Grade 9: Raymond Ozols 

Ozols has been nominated by his teachers for being a risk-taker in his studies. While in class, he is constantly asking questions and participating with his peers, wanting to absorb the most information as possible. His teacher preaches his curiosity as one of Ozols’s most notable attributes as a student.

Ms. Driver
Raymond Ozols poses with Mrs. Ramirez, the teacher who nominated him.

Grade 11: Sofia Alfonso

Since her younger years, Alfonso has proven she is devoted to her academics and her sport, golf. Although her academics play a huge part in her life, so does her favorite sport. Alfonso is a candidate in the International Baccalaureate program. The program is academically rigorous,  but Alfonso has been continuously adapting really well according to her teachers, however. A shocking surprising came when Alfonso decided to try something out of the ordinary for her Extend Essay paper in the realm of Chemistry. After this, she became known as a risk-taker, not only within the Gables faculty but also within her peers.

“I knew it would be very difficult to conduct my chemistry experiment. It was a challenging process, but overall it allowed me to expand my knowledge and love for chemistry,” junior Sofia Alfonso said.

Ms. Driver
Sofia Alfonso poses with Mrs. Kiely, her Extended Essay supervisor, and IB Chemistry teacher.

Grade 12: Marina Torres & Alain Perez

Torres and Perez have both been known risk-takers for the entirety of their respective high school careers. Both have been academically challenged throughout their candidacy in the International Baccalaureate program and both have been outstandingly involved within their community, always trying to better the lives of those around them.

Torres took a risk this school year by presenting her cause to the International Baccalaureate Honor Society. With several other applications already turned in, Torres demonstrated she was a risk-taker as she fought for her cause to be named as the honorary winner of the annual event.

Perez took several risks as he sought opportunities outside his comfort zone on the quest to become a more well-rounded student and person. As president of Interact Club, one of Gables’ community service club, Perez was a risk-taking leader as he wanted to help as many people as possible.

Ms. Driver
Marina Torres poses with her Yearbook Advisor, Mrs. Zuniga.
Ms. Driver
Alain Perez poses with former CAP Advisor, Mrs. Stack.

“I have loved being Interact President because it has allowed me to help so many people in my community,” senior Alain Perez said.

All of these students have demonstrated their risk-taking attitudes are a part of who they are. These students are not afraid to take risks to better their future. Most importantly, they do not let obstacles stand in their way of success. As they seek new opportunities and want to push boundaries, they are recognized by their teachers and peers as being risk-takers.