Meet Your Prom King and Queen

Jake Paz and Annie Farrell doing the traditional Prom King and Queen slow dance

Natalia Rodriguez, Staff Writer

Prom, arguably the most anticipated and beloved school tradition, was held on Apr. 22nd at the JW Marriott. The night started off with a dinner and steadily picked up as students made their way to the dance floor. Finally, it was time to announce Prom King and Queen. The honor went to seniors: Jake Paz and Annie Farrell.

Q: Can you introduce yourself?

Jake Paz: Hi, my name is Jake Paz and I’m the Vice President of the IBHS honor society. I was also voted for Prom King, and Mr. Coral Gables; I know it’s a lot of little titles but I’m happy that I was voted Prom King, and it feels good to know that every one wanted me to win and thinks that I’m a great guy.

Annie Farrell: Hi, my name is Annie Farrell, and I’m a senior in the IB program.

Q: How do you feel about winning Prom King/queen?

JP: Winning prom king is definitely- it’s an experience- because you always see it in the movies, and in the movies it’s not really quite how it is in real life. Yes, the solo dance was pretty awkward and that was kind of like the movies. I feel like it was more casual; it was quick, nice, and fun. It’s a nice little tidbit to say, like when I introduce myself I can start off with that. But, yeah, definitely I will not let it inflate my ego if you get what I mean.

AF: I was very excited, and sort of surprised. I didn’t even know I was nominated until two days before- my two friends nominated me- so it was really nice of them, and it made it an extra special night.

Q: How is one elected Prom King/Queen?

JP: So you get elected Prom King when you first go to Prom, they have a table set up and you vote. They have different laptops set up, and basically when you get checked in, you vote for whoever you think deserves to win, and usually you have to get nominated beforehand, which someone else has to nominate you.

AF: So once you got to Prom, all the seniors lined up at these computers, and then you just clicked on a Google Form, and they took down everyone’s vote.

Q: What was your overall experience at Prom?

JP: I felt that Prom was very fun, and the food was great- I went up at least three times to eat the Chimichurri and the Churrasco there. The DJ was very good, I actually left from eating to go dance, and then I had to come back. I definitely had a good time, I danced with pretty much everybody that was on the dance floor, and I like to get low, so I had a good time.

AF: It was really fun. I was expecting to have a really fun night, and it ended up even being more fun than I thought.

Q: What was your favorite part about Prom?

JP: My favorite part was definitely dancing with everybody, it feels just like a regular dance party, and then spending that time knowing “Oh it’s Prom, we’re seniors, we’re graduating,”- it really made things surreal.

AF: Probably winning Prom Queen, that was a lot of fun. Even getting ready before with all my friends (we met up at one friend’s house), that was a lot of fun.

Q: What are your plans after high school?

JP: After high school I am going to Davidson College in North Carolina after receiving the Posse scholarship: a really cool little program that paired me up with nine other students from Miami.

AF: I’m going to Dartmouth College in New Hampshire to study Environmental Science or something.

We wish both, Jake and Annie success in all of their future endeavors and hope they find a nice spot to keep their crown.