Badminton Faces off Against Miami Springs
Cameryn Padron and Sara Saliamonas
Gables hits the shuttlecock right back to their opponents during their match against Miami Springs.
Feb 19, 2017
On Feb. 16, Gables’s badminton team went up against Miami Springs. Gables took home the win by beating Miami Springs 8-2. Within one week, the team was able to show improvement since their last match and were able to win. In the first match of the season, Gables badminton lost to Braddock, 4-6, as a team but tied Sunset, 5-5. The points from the Gables vs. Miami Springs match are a way for the team to show everyone that they are here to win and work hard.
“I think I played pretty well last game. My partner, junior Hilda Delgado, and I are both returner players and we were playing new players, so we won by a large margin. However, I would like to work on returning smashes,” senior Olivia Field said.
Summer Campagna gave an amazing performance on Thursday afternoon. She went 3-0 in girls singles and was nominated Athlete of the Week for Gables. While Campagna played a great game, the boys singles match did not go as well. Unfortunately, August Field lost the boys singles game 2-1. However, Field’s score were close to his opponent’s winning score and he has time to improve, considering he is only a freshman. Despite losing the match, Field showed great sportsmanship and enjoyed the game.
“We improved dramatically from one week to the next, especially for being such a young team with many inexperienced players on it,” Coach Stephen Campagna said.
This being the second game and only home game of the season, the team is practicing extremely hard in order to improve their ability. The team will continue practicing for the rest of the season, especially for their next game on Feb. 28 against Palmetto and South Miami.