Have a Magical Night with the Perfect Outfit


Melissa Valladares

This store, Camille La Vie, is found in International Mall and is recommended to find the most magnificent prom dress in a price range of your choice.

Melissa Valladares, Staff Writer

It’s almost the time of the year in which seniors graduating finally get to shop until they drop for the event they have been dreaming of since freshmen year: prom. This year it will be held on May 2. To decide which outfit is worth the price and the unforgettable night, these steps are recommended:

  • Budget range: Everything depends on the amount of money you have. Before you go to an expensive store, make sure you have the money saved up and ready to spend. A good range of money to have for your prom night can be $100-$200, or even more if you wish. Keep this in mind just in case you find the most outstanding dress or suit, but then have to let it go due to the fact it is $300 that you don’t have. Also, keep in mind that you had to pay $85 for the prom ticket. Take all the money you’ve been saving up in your bank account and just get the cash you need!

“Very important to save up money. I just hate having to find the perfect outfit, look at the price tag, and then have to walk away because you don’t have enough money for it,” senior Luis Herrera said.

  • Find a store: By having a particular store in plan to find your outfit, you can definitely save time. Even having two or three more stores in mind can serve as a back you up if your first option didn’t have what you were looking for. Also, if you live in Miami, don’t look for a store that might be all the way in Kendall. Stay within your zone, because you never know if you will have to make a long drive to and back from the store and come back with empty hands.

“Finding a store is extremely important. NEVER buy clothing online, especially your prom outfit. You need to spend time and make sure that dress is the one you want; it may look fabulous in a picture, but be something you didn’t want in person. Plus, it might not even fit,” senior Stephanie Elmir said.

  • Two heads is better than one: It’s highly recommended to go shopping with a friend or a close family member. The reason why is because some decisions need two people’s opinion, such as ‘Is this dress appropriate for this type of event?’ or ‘Does this tux look too tight on me?’ If you can, take more than one companion. Have a whole group of friends buy their prom outfit with you, not will you only get things done, but it would be an experience you will never forget!

“Whenever I go shopping, it is never alone. Mostly for prom, I definitely need someone to help me choose the right dress and shoes. I usually go with either my friends, my mom, or both,” senior Kyrenia Avila said.

  • Don’t rush yourself: Don’t ever rush yourself trying to find any kind of attire for the event; take your time and search for your perfect outfit. Time isn’t really money; TAKE YOUR TIME. Don’t buy the first shoes you see at Macy’s, keep searching. You never know what can be found in other stores that might end up having better deals and even cuter styles.

“This isn’t just for prom, but for any special event. For example, I had to attend a birthday party and I bought a really expensive outfit, just to find the same one on 40% off a couple of stores nearby,” senior Cristian Crespo said.

  • Timing is everything: It’s never good to buy your attire too early or too late. Have a calendar or agenda with you to plan out a day that you are not busy to get your prom attire out of your to-do list. If you’re going with your friends, find a day 1 to 2 months before the event. Never sooner, never later than that range of time. If you bought your outfit earlier, it may not fit due to weight gain, which makes the outfit too tight to dance, or might be too loose, which will make your attire too uncomfortable to enjoy.

Try on the full attire: A week or two in advance, something you should do on your spare time is to try on the complete set. For girls, try painting your nails, doing your hair, make up, and putting on your dress and shoes for the night to make sure everything is just the way you want it to be. For guys, put on your suit and shoes to figure out what way you are going to style your hair or if you want to wear a bow tie, a tie, or neither. Doing this helps you practice for the actual day and make sure