Gender Identity: It’s not a Joke


Sam Palacios

No matter where on the gender spectrum someone is, it’s important to use the pronouns they are comfortable with.

Brianna Valdes, Staff Writer

“Did you just assume my gender!?” has become one of the most overused jokes on both social media and everyday conversations. Most of the time, this expression comes off as lighthearted. That being said, the joke belittles a topic that has been getting more attention recently: gender identity. To clarify: sex is either one of the two main categories (male or female) and is determined by reproductive organs whereas gender is the psychological aspect of being male or female, regardless of the person’s genitalia. If someone does not identify with the gender usually associated with their sex, then it may be important to them that other people use the gender pronouns they prefer. However, at times it may seem that some people go overboard with trying to correct those who unintentionally offend them by referring to them with incorrect pronouns.

According to the Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER), all pronouns can and should be used for any gender as well as for those who are gender neutral. The TSER makes it clear that there are no such things as “preferred pronouns”, this is because people do not have a pronoun preference. It is recommended not to use these “preferred pronouns” because it may insinuate that using the correct pronouns for someone is optional and not obligatory. A person’s sex does not determine their gender and certain people do not identify with the gender that was assigned at birth.

It has become a problem in today’s society, especially with people who don’t understand that there are more pronouns than “he” and “she”. Others don’t acknowledge new gender pronouns and those who are aware of newer pronouns, tend to get offended when others do not use them.

“I didn’t even realize there were other types of pronouns besides he and she, I wouldn’t mind learning them but I think it would be confusing,” freshman Phillip Mejia said

The fact that so many find it offensive that not everyone uses the newer gender pronouns is exasperating. No one has the right to look down on someone just because they don’t know about new pronouns.

Overall, gender pronouns are something new to everyone. Though not many know about them, some people still get angry about the fact that others don’t use them. If someone doesn’t know about these pronouns, educate them don’t isolate them.