Catching a Cav with Character: Principled


Coral Gables Senior High School

November’s Cavs with Character.

What constitutes a model student? The grand majority of people would say a 4.0 GPA, near-perfect test scores and a wide array of extracurricular activities that would make any teacher or parent fawn. But most people often overlook characteristics like honesty as well as service in the student’s respective community. Ms. Driver, one of the two IB counselors on campus, has created Catching a Cav with Character. This idea serves as a monthly column where one student from every grade is selected for showcasing qualities and actions that extend beyond the classroom. It is through this that Ms. Driver hopes to stress the importance of service and good deeds in the everyday lives of students. The students selected to receive this honor displayed great amounts of discipline and are the most principled in their grade levels.

Grade 9: Gaston Tomas-Dolan

Apart from being an exceptional student, Gaston has been spotlighted for his outstanding moral character in a recent predicament he found himself in. After having found a wallet with a substantial amount of money, he informed his teacher of having found the wallet. Through efforts with the administration, the teacher and Gaston were able to locate the rightful owner of the wallet. Any other student would have kept the wallet and went running for the hills, but Gaston’s actions demonstrate a moral fiber found in very few people; that merits great recognition.

Sara Zamora-Grant
Ana Rodriguez does all she can to help others.

Grade 10: Ana Rodriguez

This sophomore, with her inquisitive and frank way of conducting herself in the classroom, has garnered a spot in this month’s Catching a Cav with Character. In her AP Italian class, she was asked to do a project which consisted of being the teacher for the day and creating 3 different activities that correspond to the lesson that was being taught. As a teacher, Ana was very effective at communicating the topic of the lesson, openly taking questions and guiding students through each and every activity. It was paramount to Ana that as the activity was taking place, students were actively engaged and knew exactly what to do. In addition to her outstanding performance in the project, Ana frequently helps out other students in class without being told to do so.

Sara Zamora-Grant
Sofia never passes up an opportunity to recycle.

Grade 11: Sofia Villarroel

This hardworking IB junior is characterized by her conscientiousness with regards to the environment. She makes it a point to recycle every possible disposed item and will frequently recycle plastic and paper she finds around the school. It is only logical that she is a proud member of Gables Earth. Moreover, through her CAS project, she has shown to be aware of global issues as she is collecting donations for Syrian refugees. Prior to leaving school, she goes to each classroom and collects items that have been donated. By caring for the environment and the less fortunate than her, she has greatly impacted her school and community in a positive way.

“Sofi has shown a great deal of dedication to her CAS project, everytime anybody donates anything big or small to her drive, her face lights up,” junior Ana Wolfermann said.

Sara Zamora-Grant
Alyssa Lamadriz and Ms. Suarez discuss upcoming activities.

Grade 12: Alyssa Lamadriz

As President of the Student Council, Alyssa Lamadriz comports herself as a true leader. She is widely respected by the faculty for her work ethic and solid judgment in both Student Council and her classes. Ms. Suarez’s first contact at the sign of any problem is Alyssa, who is always ready, willing and able to get the job done. Her leadership positions have enabled her to better the school, which is her number one priority. In addition, her helpful and conscientious personality extends to both the students in the Student Activities room and out as she routinely helps out with both academics and extracurricular activities.

“Ive seen Alyssa in action and its truly something special, she truly cares about the work she does for the school and gets it done perfectly,” senior Leilani Gonzalez said.

Expressions and interpretations of what makes a model student are, although subjective, common threads of excellence and responsibility, both qualities that can be clearly seen in each of these stellar students.